Nate Silver Says Harris Now Has Slight Advantage Over Trump to politics – 123 points –
Nate Silver Says Harris Now Has Slight Advantage Over Trump

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Well I’m sure the trans people who would be forced to detransition, the climate refugees forced to flee their homes, the women forced into dangerous pregnancies, the Palestinians who will receive even less support from the US, and the people of Ukraine forced to live under Russian occupation without our support will obviously agree that it’s most important for you to have a clear conscience here.

Nice cherry picked hyperbole list you got there. Too bad your party leaders don't give a fuck about those things either.

Hyperbole list? Every one of these things is a stated objective of the trump campaign or is literally already happening.

If you truly can’t see daylight between the republicans and the democrats, you need to:

  • appreciate the privilege you have, that you apparently aren’t staring down the barrel of their guns yet
  • touch grass, take a break from politics for awhile
  • when you come back, look at voting records and their actual impacts on actual people. Read the stories of women forced to miscarry in ER bathrooms as a direct result of what the republicans have done in this country. Read about how republicans stalling aid to Ukraine impacted the war. Read about the 6-3 rulings coming out of the Supreme Court lately, and look at who appointed the 6.
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