Nate Silver Says Harris Now Has Slight Advantage Over Trump to politics – 123 points –
Nate Silver Says Harris Now Has Slight Advantage Over Trump

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Nice cherry picked hyperbole list you got there. Too bad your party leaders don't give a fuck about those things either.

Hyperbole list? Every one of these things is a stated objective of the trump campaign or is literally already happening.

If you truly can’t see daylight between the republicans and the democrats, you need to:

  • appreciate the privilege you have, that you apparently aren’t staring down the barrel of their guns yet
  • touch grass, take a break from politics for awhile
  • when you come back, look at voting records and their actual impacts on actual people. Read the stories of women forced to miscarry in ER bathrooms as a direct result of what the republicans have done in this country. Read about how republicans stalling aid to Ukraine impacted the war. Read about the 6-3 rulings coming out of the Supreme Court lately, and look at who appointed the 6.
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