Kyle Rittenhouse criticized Donald Trump. So conservatives said he's transgender. to politics – 838 points –
Kyle Rittenhouse criticized Donald Trump. So conservatives said he's transgender. - LGBTQ Nation

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I'm not a conservative

Y' know, for someone that's accusing others of being obsessed with labeling, you sure do seem to be concerned with labels. Interesting.

There has to be a way to communicate with them.

Ah, that glorious sense of superiority. Please, enlighten us others with your rarified intellect! We lowly heathens know not what we do!

I'm not obsessed with labels man. Engage with what I actually wrote ffs. All I'm saying here is maybe my messaging is bad. No matter how I write, you guys will zoom in on if im a conservative or not. If I don't write that im a progressive, then I spend the whole time explaining why i disagree with conservatives. If I write that im left/progressive, then i spend the whole time debating whether im an impostor. As long as my opinion strays .02% from yours I will have no opportunity to discuss ANYTHING

As long as my position doesn't align with yours thats all I hear.

You can't discuss your position without first clarifying what side of the aisle you sit on, and yet, you don't care about labels...


If I don’t write that im a progressive, then I spend the whole time explaining why i disagree with conservatives. If I write that im left/progressive, then i spend the whole time debating whether im an impostor

I can't win.

Quit trying to "win." Quit virtue signaling how "left" you are. You'll lead a happier existence if you're not so hung up on how others see you.

I don't mean "win" as in winning a debate. I mean "win" as in there is no possible way to have a discussion on ANYTHING with someone like you because you've decided the outcome long before the conversation has even started. In this whole debacle we didn't get to address anything except your incessant attacks on the integrity of my political alignment.

If you didn't contradict yourself then we wouldn't be having this discussion..

Can you clarify which contradiction exactly? I'm not understanding what your point is.

You say you're "left", but you trust the US court system to judge decide who is or isn't a murderer.

That kind of legalism is for neoliberals, not leftists.

I see. So the courts and institutions are not to be trusted.

I have no idea what left means after today. I'm for universal Healthcare, gun reform, higher taxes. Etc. I don't know what you call that.