Kyle Rittenhouse criticized Donald Trump. So conservatives said he's transgender. to politics – 838 points –
Kyle Rittenhouse criticized Donald Trump. So conservatives said he's transgender. - LGBTQ Nation

Last time I called Rittenhouse a murderer here, one of his inbred cult wanted to argue. Let's see if that happens again:

Kyle Rittenhouse is a murderer.

Kyle Rittenhouse is a murderer.

Who is Kyle? Did you mean Kyla?

Sorry, I will show myself out.

Live look at @TheFonz.

The fonz? Do you mean outspoken cuntservative who is "totally a leftist"?

This is what happens when undereducated knuckledraggers do a psyop.

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He's definitely a murderer, so that's a thing.

Somehow this is a controversial opinion in America.

somewhere in America a far right person is gritting their teeth babbling something about 'antifa'

That's because so many governors have made hunting liberal protesters legal. It'll be federally legalized if not mandated if Trump gets back in.

Legally speaking, it's a factually incorrect opinion. So if course it's going to be controversial. I'm not sure why you're surprised.

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Mods deleted my comment on here ages ago for calling him a murderer. Doesn’t make it not true.

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Conservatives last week: "Kyle Rittenhouse was acting in self-defense and should be applauded for protecting the white race from BLM violence."

Conservatives this week: "Kyle Rittenhouse is just one more example of the extremist violence in the LGBTQ community."

We have always been at war with Eureast Asia.

The best books... are those that tell you what you know already. :)

This is honest to god the funniest thing happening in the Magaverse right now. It's like they got their marching orders mixed up and their daily five minutes of hate that were supposed to be directed at Imane Khelif got swapped for Kyle Rittenhouse at the last minute and nobody questions the logic of it.

I am not sure to be happy or worried about this. On the one hand they could turn on themselves and be busy with infighting, leaving the rest of the world alone. On the other hand it is an extremely vile hateful ideology that can explode into massive violence easily.

Wow they turned on him even quicker than I would have expected. If he'd showed a hint of spine and didn't cave immediately it might have infinitesimally moved my respect for him above 0.

The kid will make the right choice on something one day. Or he won't. Meh.

He had a bunch of what I'm assuming were paid appearances canceled immediately.

Since he didn't finish high school and turned down college scholarships, it was pretty easy to bring him to heel.

This piece of shit swirled himself to all the other pieces of shit, then forgot he was also shit in the shit stew.

He had a bunch of what I’m assuming were paid appearances canceled immediately.

The people against "cancel culture" strike again!

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Those who live in fear of rejection seldom make the right choice unless it's the popular thing to do.

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Rule #1 of the right.

If you're not all in, you're out.

"Fall in line."

I feel gross having said that

I feel gross having said that

That’s good. There are those who fear feeling gross about saying that.

So Conservatives have been glorifying a Trans person, inviting them to speak, and had no idea this entire time?

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Dear Lord!

Republicans: "I don't like what you're saying therefore you're a transgender"

LOL they thought being a transgender is some kind of insults? 🤣

Surprised? These are people who will call you gay or a woman as an insult. Anything feminine that is not actively producing babies is an affront to their snowflake sensibilities.

Fracture baby, fracture.

Keep on iminfighting.

If only they infought half as much as the left, the world would be a much better place.

Fine, as long as their fracture doesn't break the rest of us.

Nah, I've been waiting for this for a while. The Republican party is a house divided against itself, with wealthy donors on one side and the culture warriors they depend on for electoral relevance on the other.

When they collapse, Democrats will face challengers from the left while they triangulate towards former Republican voters.

LOL he's the exact embodiment of the entire GOP

He really is. Think about how many people have backed Trump thinking they could maintain their integrity and control the far right. Hell, you can see Trump having the same problems. He got booed when he suggested COVID vaccines and quickly backed off.

When you pump people full of fear and misinformation, you lose the ability to steer ship. All you can do is sell out, completely abandon your dignity and try to ride the crazy wave.

also according to the transvestigators, dylan mulvaney is actually afab who was forcibly transitioned and then transitioned BACK.

they're not exactly the brightest.

"The proof is that there isn't any proof"

“The proof is that there isn’t any proof”

Sums it up beautifully. I am so stealing this. Thank you!

What!? Everybody knows; Absence of evidence, isn't evidence of absence. :)

Dude does look a little like a lady … sorta.

But seriously “transgendered psy-op and Sandy Hook crisis actor”?!? You can’t make this shit up. It’s like every day I’m reading /r/nottheonion.

These people would murder and eat their own children if they thought they weren’t MAGA enough. Totally not a cult /s

Well they already have the intelligence of fish, so why not behave like them too? Fanatics of all stripes have a proven track record of eating their own for the slightest infraction of the hive mind's will. They're a cult; if their insane Messiah told them to kill and eat their own children, I absolutely would not be surprised if some literally did exactly that.

Why do I have to look at that murderers smirking face? He's scum. Who gives a shit about him? He should be ignored.

So it just means “bad” now

Calling somebody a member of any “other” group is an insult in that world. And sometimes just empathizing with that out-group is enough to get you lumped in with them.

Calling somebody a member of any “other” group is an insult in that world

Which is why they're losing their goddamned minds when people point out how weird they are

Always has been. If you're not "default man", you're bad and deserve to be treated like shit (according to traditionalist 'thinking').

Default man:

  • man (cis)
  • hetero
  • light-skinned, preferably blonde and with blue eyes
  • the right kind of Christian
  • carnivore or at least very into eating beef
  • has great job where he gets paid a lot for doing very little (deservedly so, unlike the others) or is a company owner
  • has a Christian harem with 1 wife, several girlfriends, and shares a few prostitutes (age not disclosed) with other default men
  • drives a truck shaped limousine, walks less than 700 steps every day
  • would wear cowboy hat if it was easy to wear it indoors / in car

✅ ✅ ✅ ❌ ✅ ❌ ❌ ❌ ❌

Damn, I'm no default man. 4/9 is a fail.

To them, it always has.

Let's lean into it with AI images of his Mona Lisa smiling ass hella drag-ed out!

They just use that word for anything they don't like.

"Man that call the ref made at the end of the basketball game was really freaking transgender"

If Trump wins, I was honestly scared of shenanigans like putting Rittenhouse on the supreme Court or something equally delusional. I hate the kid with a passion and he represents a huge part of what I hate about the right. Seeing him get away with murder was a real gut punch, I'm happy to see him bite the hand that feeds so to speak.

Ngl, taking a couple of casual transphobia pills along with your schadenfreude isn't a good look.

Lookin at some of you, commenters.

Lemmy is fucking disgusting and toxic, full of truly awful people who happen to also usually be on the morally correct side of the issues. Never forget that.

I support my decision and I make no take backs.

Narrator : That, too, was a lie.

No. His MURDER of a person was in a public place, he didn't have a carry permit, was not the owner of the firearm used because he was too young to be a registered owner, and he transferred said weapon across state lines.

So, No...what he did was not legal. He just got off because of the jury. Big fucking difference, asshole.

And this is why any POC with a jury (or judge alone) trial in a red state is pretty much fucked.

He got off because of an overly ambitious prosecution. Had he been charged appropriately, with second degree non premeditated, he would have been found guilty.

He was only charged with first degree premeditated, and because the prosecution had no way to prove that this idiot kid intended to kill when he traveled to the area, the jury had no choice but to find him not guilty.

The prosecutor is at fault, not the jury.

Who are these brain dead weirdo losers sitting around online drawing arrows on someone's minor man boobage?

Honestly this headline and comments alone make me feel so out of touch. Like I'll go online. And yeah I'll call someone a dumbass if they're saying dumbass things. And yeah it's not that civil I suppose, but what are these weird ass people doing?

Why can't they sit at home and play an MMO all day and not bother anyone? Why can't they watch daytime TV all day? No. They spend their time completely absorbed in the business and private affairs of strangers and they think it has anything to do with policy or politics. These people could be dismissed as unserious lunatics if the shit they were spouting and things they were doing weren't so dangerous and violent.

drawing arrows on someone's minor man boobage

It's so disrespectful, if someone implied I'd taken estrogen instead of the years I spent carefully crafting my man boobage through sloth and gluttony I'd be speechless

Years ago, there was no internet. Each village had its idiot, everyone knew who it was and to ignore their jabberings.

Then the internet arrived. Eventually the village idiots learned how to use it and they started to seek out idiots from other villages to talk about the things that concern them most.

Eventually some very bad people realized that, while scamming and grifting a lone village idiot like in the old days was a waste of time, now they had a captive audience of millions.

People can do all those things, then if they are less than 30 with moobs they should be looking down the barrel of a lifestyle change. Or, whatever, grow some man tits. If you get question marks it's on you for not taking care of yourself.

The far-right group Q-ANON went a step further, saying that he was secretly a transgender psy-op and crisis actor in the Sandy Hook shooting.

Qanon isn't an organized group. It's a bunch of internet shitheads believing in culty bullshit. Don't give it any more status than it deserves.

Let's recommend some books:

Trust the Plan: The Rise of QAnon and the Conspiracy That Unhinged America

The Quiet Damage: QAnon and the Destruction of the American Family

It Came from Something Awful: How a Toxic Troll Army Accidentally Memed Donald Trump into Office

Culture Warlords: My Journey Into the Dark Web of White Supremacy

After the Fact?: The Truth about Fake News

Only the first two are explicitly about Qanon. But they all work together as a theme.

i will say, for how stupid i think this kid is, i will say this is pretty based.

Now, don't make me eat my words and take this back as soon as trump calls you stinky and gross.

Well now Rittenhouse has done it. He has nowhere to go, no one to be with.

Another person posted an image calling Rittenhouse a “Biological female” and listed the traits that they believed showed that Rittenhouse is a trans man.

I know it’s bullshit, but I kinda want to see that list.

So I don't want to be mean, I have no idea who that is, but what the hell is with the painted-on eyebrows? Seriously, go back and look at the thumbnail. You see it now. What is that? What thought process occurred where "yeah, this is what I want" was the conclusion?

Man, you can barely recognize him anymore with all the facial scarring.

Those leopards did their work well.