Trump’s New Attack on ‘Kamabla’ Harris Is Literally Gibberish to politics – 317 points –
Trump’s New Attack on ‘Kamabla’ Harris Is Literally Gibberish

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I literally don't understand what he's going for with Kamabla. Like, literally, what the fuck does it mean or imply? What am I missing?

If I thought he or his supporters had enough world knowledge to associate the concept of Shambala from Hinduism to Indians to Kamala then maybe I'd go with him trying to say being Indian is worse than being black which he argues she isn't

Instead I think it's more likely he just is incapable of saying her name without stumbling all over himself, so he's decided if he can't say her name it's because she's foreign and that's bad

Maybe he could keep saying it and gradually drawl her name until it sounds like "Gambler" and then make some enigmatic comments about knowing when to fold them and walk away. ... yeah I've got nothing, not seeing the method to his madness this time.

How does no one else get this!?

It’s a slur implying she’s indian! It sounds like a hard to pronounce indian name.

Maybe it’s just where I grew up, but this absolutely sounds like a name one of my middle school peers would have made up to insult an indian kid.

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