What three unrelated movies make a perfect set?

spittingimage@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 73 points –

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  • Total Recall
  • Dark City
  • Inception


  • Memento
  • The Notebook
  • 50 First Dates

I like the flow of the second group, but I worry it'll be entirely forgettable. Hyuk.

No, I like it: serious, sappy, happy, but always a love story.

If Dark City is the lynchpin (and an inspired choice, I agree) I might put it with the Matrix and ... Gunkata. Or maybe V for Vendetta.

the rumor around hollywood is that a party was trying to come up with a movie impossible to make a sequel to, and then titanic came up and then someone said they could do it and started writing inception.

so maybe titanic then inception and then maybe strange days?

Inception is almost 100% someone remembering someone else's trying to describe The Neuromancer. The link is the top, but it is a throwing star in The Neuromancer. The Matrix is also trying to do it but they did it in a more personal way

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