Japan proposes expanding commercial whaling to fin whales, a larger species than the 3 allowed now

schizoidman@lemm.ee to World News@lemmy.world – 130 points –
Japan proposes expanding commercial whaling to fin whales, a larger species than the 3 allowed now

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They added whale meat to vending machines last year to boost consumption. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/01/24/asia/japan-whale-meat-vending-machine-intl-hnk/index.html

With some things the Japanese just have the worst fucking ideas. How have they still not understood that overfishing is a problem?

Great idea Japan. Artificially trying to fuel consumption of a product you KNOW is controversial and unpopular instead of just... stopping

That's the impression I'm getting front reading this thread. Most people don't care about it yet they still insist on killing and fishing whales

Americans own piles of guns. Russians drink themselves into the ground. Rich people the world over pay for 'exotic' hunting trips to shoot endangered animals. All of these things are bad.

The Japanese aren't the only ones clinging to outdated traditions despite controversy.

It's not just the controversy though. Hardly anybody actually eats it, and it's apparently not very well liked by those that do. For your listed examples they have very fervent supporters who strongly resist any changes, whereas here I can't see any reason why they don't just stop