First Tesla Cybertruck Crash Kills Driver In Baytown Area, Electric Pick-up Bursts Into Flames to – 341 points –
First Tesla Cybertruck Crash Kills Driver In Baytown Area, Electric Pick-up Bursts Into Flames

A Tesla Cybertruck driver was killed in what appears to be the first reported fatal crash involving the electric pickup truck, which has yet to undergo third-party crash testing.


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Wait, first?
That was the first crash?

Huh. I thought for sure people who buy those crash on the way home from the dealership. Of in their garage if "car" is delivered.

From the article:

appears to be the first reported fatal crash

(emphasis mine)

And they say people can't read anymore. It's hidden there in the very first sentence of the article. Who would think to look there?

First of all, I'm illiterate.

Second of all, yes, I am surprised by that. Bump one pedestrian and it's a fatal accident.

To be fair, that's not what the headline says

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