Utah outlaws books by Judy Blume and Sarah J Maas in first statewide ban | State has ordered 13 books by seven authors, six of them women, to be removed from every public school classroom and library

silence7@slrpnk.net to politics @lemmy.world – 455 points –
Utah outlaws books by Judy Blume and Sarah J Maas in first statewide ban

The list of banned books is here

Read em while you can


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It's about a girl and her friends discussing menstruation, and wishing they could menstruate, and being jealous of other girls who already menstruate, and praying to God that they menstruate soon. I can see where that would frighten pearl clutchers.

Rhetorical! Thanks for the answer reminding us how against women these fuckers are though!

Tbf in not sure if.its against women or against bodily functions. I assume they'd probably have issues with a similar book about male puberty.

The people banning it are against books about Menstruation...........which women do...........