Trump's campaign says it's 'not going to talk about couches' to politics – 531 points –
Trump's campaign says it's 'not going to talk about couches'

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Why are they not talking about couches? What have they got to hide? Seems kinda suspicious.

I agree. It seems like something you'd deny outright. It raises questions about whether or not Trump is a couch-fucker, or if MAGA republicans endorse couch-fucking. Is this their political agenda? To fuck my couch? Or your couch? Are they recruiting my furniture into their couch-fucking culture? There are a lot of questions here.

Probably gonna need a congressional inquiry to get to the bottom of this one.

  1. this their political agenda? To fuck my couch? Or your couch? Are they recruiting my furniture into their couch-fucking culture? There are a lot of questions here.

Given how they taped maxi pads to their ears or wore diapers, id absolutely believe they'd fuck couches to prove their dedication to the GOP. Republicans are nothing if not performative.

  1. It raises questions about whether or not Trump is a couch-fucker

I'd rather him fuck couches than be a rapist, but here we are.

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