Are there any "famous" Lemmy users? to Ask – 234 points –

Like users that are known for a gimmick or that everyone sees alot?


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Along with those already mentioned, my personal heroes are people who keep communities alive: posts comics daily to ! and others keeps ! going posts regularly about ! has been killing it on !

Thanks but lately you and other subscribers have been posting a lot too!

Love you, but I spazzed out recently after a full year of pressing too hard for a 'post per day,' and I feel like I dishonored everyone here when I melted down recently. (I'm super-embarrassed)

So I appreciate the mention, but regardless of how I embarrassed the community, I can't aim for one scholarly post per day, anymore. I just can't. Sorry about that, matey.

Now I do plan to keep on posting as the mood seeks me, but I just CAN'T keep the community popular like this, all on my own. Even just a little bit of help would go far.

Ugh, sorry for all the bitching and moaning. :S

Don't worry about it fam. Lemmy isn't like a news broadcast, it's more like a family dinner, it's OK to go off on a rant every once in a while. And there's no obligation to post every day, just post when you feel like it and where you feel like it. The fact is, you posted quality content a lot for a long time, and that's commendable.