Are there any "famous" Lemmy users? to Ask – 234 points –

Like users that are known for a gimmick or that everyone sees alot?


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probably not a real squid though

I am currently visiting some friends I've been talking to on a forum for years but have never met. We've all been really close despite that. It's sort of a three-day forum party and it's been amazing.

Why do I bring this up?

I needed a shirt to wear for the first day so I didn't have to keep telling people who I was and I found the perfect shirt. (Excuse the crease, I took the picture the day after.)

Edit: are the downvoters disillusioned by the revelation of my false endoskeleton?

I just played a metroidvania called death's door, and in one section you go to a restaurant where the cook is a squid puppeting a dead guy as a disguise. Thought you'd be interested (starts at about 14:20 if the time stamp doesn't work)

How are the clarinet lessons going these days?

Fun fact: Squidward Tentacles isn't a squid. He's meant to be an octopus.

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