Utah Supreme Court Rules That Alleged Sexual Assault by a Doctor Is Not “Health Care”

takeheart@lemmy.world to Not The Onion@lemmy.world – 319 points –
Utah Supreme Court Rules That Alleged Sexual Assault by a Doctor Is Not “Health Care”

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Doctors used to perform "pelvic exams" on unconscious women all the time without their knowledge or consent. Totally legit practice back in the day.

You say that as if that practice has been abandoned

A recent survey of 101 medical students from seven American medical schools found that 92% had performed a pelvic exam on anesthetized female patients, 61% of whom reported not having explicit consent from the patients.

Double fuck

I was always suspicious of male OB/GYN, it seems like an unusual specialty to choose for purely altruistic reasons.

Abandoned? Definitely not. It's just not as "acceptable" these days. (Grew up with family member OB/GYN from the 1950s and was definitely the type to do that shit)