'Neoliberal capitalism' has contributed to the rise of fascism, says Nobel laureate

schizoidman@lemm.ee to World News@lemmy.world – 795 points –
'Neoliberal capitalism' has contributed to the rise of fascism, says Nobel laureate

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What does capitalism do when there is nothing left to take? It keeps taking

It goes keto and eats itself.

That's called autophagy, not keto.

It's not exclusive to it, but I used the term intentionally to point out the how the capitalists target the "fat" and also the "muscle" in the system to create very expensive ketones.

If you're suggesting that a ketosis state doesn't produce autophagy, maybe check your sources.

A ketosis state doesn't produce autophagy, autophagy is a constant ongoing process in your body. Inanition is a better word.

You know very well that I was referring to the higher intensity of autophagy going on. Useless semantics bullshit. Enjoy being blocked.

  • gets proved wrong
  • blocks people

Yup just what I expected of the average Reddit refugee.

Not proved wrong.

I'm not wasting time with "but actually" memes.

Yes you were, just take the loss


Going into ketosis is well known in science for the increase in autophagy: fat, yes, but also muscles. It's literally a mechanism targeted for use as therapy for certain conditions.

These ketobro clowns used to mention some traditional meat eating populations like the Inuit, but they don't usually anymore. Yeah, those are people who "did keto" for a very long time.

The Inuit literally evolved genetic adaptation to avoid ketosis while consuming a diet high in animal fats, and they still suffer the consequences.

I'm not fucking giving up, these fuckers need to be called out for their dangerous bullshit.

Line must go up and up! I work at a company that has been booming on the stock market, and the pressures for "line must go up always" don't seem sustainable

We're gonna find out as soon as AI, automation, and robotics are more cost efficient at performing most functions than humans.

My expectation is genocide/mass murder, as there are somewhere between 10-100x more people than the planets resources can sustain long term, at a developed world rate of consumption and the current level of technological efficiency/advancement.

Okay but how does AI/Automation/etc. cause a mass murder if the preoccupying assumption of automation is, quite literally, increase of technological efficiency and advancement?

That's a classic one. All the money flows to the top. It leaves the majority of the population without jobs or money. If there are no serious welfare programs, people get very angry and hungry. Humanity is hardwired to start to revolt, riot and plunder in the face of large inequalities and with the astronomic levels it will be massive. The Hamptons and other places like it will be burned to the ground. It'll be very ugly.

It seems like our only hope is that maybe the uber rich will decide that turning the world into a bloodbath just to max out their high score isn't how they want to spend their time on Earth. I'm not optimistic on that front.

uber rich will decide that turning the world into a bloodbath just to max out their high score

That's several chapters of my country's history book summarized

Who do you think will control the kill bots? It'll be the ultra wealthy who lead the remaining governments and corporations. Populations have historically revolted under severe economic stress, even when unemployment reaches 30-50%, and capitalism requires people receiving money in exchange for labor, so they can pay for goods and services; at a certain level of automation/unemployment that cyclical system shuts down. Robots don't get paid, and they don't buy goods or services.

When that happens the ultra wealthy will no longer have any need for the unemployed majority. They will have a means to suppress them (kill bots, wealth, political power), and numerous ecological/environmental reasons to cull the population down to a more manageable, sustainable size.

China is way ahead on this kind of automation.