Are there any "famous" Lemmy users? to Ask – 234 points –

Like users that are known for a gimmick or that everyone sees alot?


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I do think it is reasonable. Too bad you didn't do that.

That is not a reasonable expectation. You are not so special that it is an offense to reference your words without clearing it with you first. Your comments will always be taken at face value.

As you said yourself, "All I’m doing here is spotlighting your terrible opinion, which is relevant in a thread about why people don’t like you."

I do not understand the relevance of this statement. Please elaborate.

Because, again, I am a flawed human being. Why can't you accept that? Do you want me to say I'm perfect and wonderful and lovable and brilliant? Because I don't think I'm any of those things, sorry.

I do not understand. You have the ability to change your opinions. Why would you post bad ones, knowing they are bad? I cannot comprehend knowing that you are doing something wrong and choosing to do it anyway.

Oh the irony.

Please elaborate. I have not made any presumptions about you. My opinion of you is solely based on the information that you have posted.

You claimed you didn't give your opinion of me, just your opinion of why others hate me.

When I suggested you hated me, you said that wasn't true.

Your whole "I have been honest and open and truthful" thing is a bit undermined by two-faced comments like that.

But sure, asking questions isn't reasonable. We'll go with that.

You claimed you didn't give your opinion of me, just your opinion of why others hate me.

I did not claim this. I thought it was quite clear that I thought your take was deplorable.

When I suggested you hated me, you said that wasn't true.

I did not state this. My rebuke of the "you hate me" thing was that you accused me of being dishonest.

You are either misinterpreting or willfully misrepresenting my words.

Frankly, you seem more interested in arguing with this strawman of me that you have created than actually engaging with my points and your intellectual dishonesty has become tiring and boring.

I hope you can one day realize that acknowledging that your opinions are bad does not absolve you of spreading them.

Oh, so you do hate me.

You just make it so irresistible!

If you feel that way, why not just block me? Then you'll never see me post again. I'm not forcing anyone to read my comments.

Block you and miss the drama? No thanks!

Okay, well your masochism is not my problem. If you enjoy being around people you hate, go for it.

I'll have the last word this time Squid!

Cool. We'll see how long it takes you to lose patience with your feigned civility and get your post deleted for insulting me?

Hahaha! I knew you'd respond, you can't help it, you have to have the last word, freakin sad bro.

I can show you many examples where other people have gotten the last word in conversation with me. But I fail to see why I should indulge someone challenging me not to.

Again, looking forward to you switching over to calling me a "shill" or a "dumb motherfucker." Things I have never called anyone, incidentally.

Oh were either of those comments to you? Do you not understand how to read a modlog?

I caught the ban for calling you out and linking to the thread where you refused to acknowledge that maybe having naked pictures of children on a phone might not be the best idea. Not for calling you a shill or a dumb motherfucker.

Now go away little Squid and go waste someone elses time, I look forward to reading the response I know you're going to type out to this comment cause that's your thing. You have to have the last word.

edit: a word

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