Gay man ‘tortured’ in Qatar for his sexuality returns home after 'deeply disappointing' sentence to World – 142 points –
Gay man ‘tortured’ in Qatar for his sexuality returns home after 'deeply disappointing' sentence

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There you go, seems it wasn't necessary after all. You're just looking for enemies. Good luck in your quest.

okay cishet

The only thing you're doing with this is generating hate towards you.

It's ironic how the queer community is fighting to not get marginalised by something they can't choose (such as their sexual identity) and you're just doing that.

You're becoming what you hate.

Haha yeah those faggots deserve hate because they're so whiny about human rights and dignity.

I mean come on. You're literally saying I'm exactly just as bad as queermisics because I'm uppity.

It’s ironic how the queer community

You don't get to use that word. We've been called queer by people bashing us, we've been called queer by people killing us, for decades. We're the only ones who get to reclaim our slurs, not you. And when you use that word while victim blaming a man who was tortured for being gay, while telling queer people we're responsible for our own marginalization, it's just a slur. You don't get to say queer any more than you get to say faggot.

You are (by your own admission) using "cishet" as a derogatory slur. That's exactly insulting someone for something they don't have a choice on.

And after that, you're just being offensive because someone on the internet didn't agree with you. Calm down a bit, breathe and maybe log off for a moment, you'll feel better after that.

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