What are your favourite extensions?

filister@lemmy.world to Firefox@lemmy.ml – 217 points –

I really enjoy Firefox on Android as I can install a bunch of extensions and I find those extensions game changer, especially on the mobile.

One of my favorites are

  • Libredirect - literally one of my favorite ones. Redirects popular sites to privacy focused frontends, like YouTube to Invidious, etc.
  • uBlock Origin - I guess everyone knows this one
  • Privacy Badger - blocks trackers
  • Ghostery - blocks trackers, ads, scripts, etc.

What extensions do you guys use?


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Dark Reader: Especially late at night white page background just burns out my retinas, no idea how I ever managed before.

I use that one on Android, since I have a OLED screen and it seems to do wonders for my battery life.

It seems to do weird things to some websites where for me it also leaves text dark/black

I find it works fine for most websites and I just disable per site if DR has made a website unreadable

Sometimes it doesn't work, especially when it is a particularly weird colour palette, but it gets it right most of the time. In that case it does have the options to make some adjustments or just turn it of for that particular site.

Can it auto detect when a website supports dark theme? Otherwise I noticed that it will ruin the colors of sites already in dark theme

Did you try to reduce the brightness of your monitor?

Sadly, even at the lowest brightness setting, with "extra dim" enabled, and the most intense blue blocking filter my phone will allow, most light colored backgrounds still illuminate the hell out of the room.

Ah, I gotta thank Chrome for finally making me do the change from it to Firefox when they dropped the flag for switching the web page to dark mode (when dark mode is triggered) in Android mobile... Since that moment I haven't looked back, and it seems like there is no reason to do so.

for some reason Dark Reader slows down page loading by a lot for me, especially on slow connections

Yeah, in the default settings it analyzes the CSS which will make page load appear slower. It has other options you might consider but I only have it enabled at night when I'm drowsy. (The slow page loads help slow my brain down lol.)