CSS finally adds vertical centering in 2024

Otter@lemmy.ca to Programming@programming.dev – 324 points –
CSS finally adds vertical centering in 2024 | Blog | build-your-own.org

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What, you didn't enjoy slicing up images and arranging them in borderless tables?

Eh the software handled all that. Rounded corners tho…

Rounded corners tho…

Just a small gif (as png didn't exist/widely supported) that had the rounded corner. Then if someone wanted to change the color or background you would have to redo all the images. Fun fun.

The software? Are you talking about Adobe Dreamweaver Dreamcrusher or something?

My money's on Microsoft Frontpage

What a catastrophic attempt at a GUI website editor.

Imagine how I felt when they decided to teach us that in school, when I was already familiar with Dreamweaver... And notepad