The pro-Palestinian 'uncommitted' movement is at a standstill with top Democrats as the DNC begins to politics – 10 points –
The pro-Palestinian 'uncommitted' movement is at a standstill with top Democrats as the DNC begins

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Imperialism would imply the US is benefiting from the current situation, but this is not clear. Although the US is imperialistic, it is not even clear to me that the US is acting in its best interest in this particular case.

Yeah, because the American arms dealers supplying almost all the weapons used to commit genocide and other atrocities aren't profiting at all and have no influence on any politicians 🙄

Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Boeing, the entire MIC says differently.

Their name is “anti-colonist” yes I know I used colon. Their point is shit.

They have no idea how anything works and their points are stuck in pirate times.

Sure the US shouldn’t engage with the sugar trade or Dole bananas but beyond that they have nothing to offer.

The entire existence of the occupied territories is so the US has a foothold in the region.

That entire failed state is and always was a colonial project of the US.