How do you make someone understand that being drafted by force and ordered to invade another country is not a good thing? to – 123 points –

As title, if you have post or link any useful resource you have


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Russia invaded Ukraine. All anyone besides tankies and trolls need to know.

That's right history started in 2022, nothing happened before that. You are very intelligent.

Thank you for the compliment, if you keep reading outside your safe space and opinion articles, you'll get there too!

if only you would take your own advice there buddy, but we both know you won't

Take the L bro, you earned it

says the bro who has no concept of history without a hint of irony

Still going? Lol, pathetic

takes two to tango little buddy



All you need to know is this propaganda the CIA told me, I am very intelligent

That's right, the CIA is doing putler propaganda now, blueAnon conspiracies are getting better every day

Everything is black and white and simple, you see the TV told me that putler bad so I'm now going to make this my personality online agreeing with masses of bots people on reddit who vote blue! Also everyone who doesn't disagree with me is a bot, only I have the moral high ground in my superior American understanding of the world. If there is one thing Americans are well known for is intelligence.

edit: my last post was a joke about the other guy not you lol sorry my humor sucks