What's one brand whose products you can always trust?

mommykink@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 161 points –

(I'm trying to adjust my shopping habits for quality, long-lasting goods from reputable brands. This isn't some hailcorporate thing)


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Hottest take on this site: Apple.

I use my 2011 MacBook Pro to manage my 80k photos. My phone is six years old. My iPad Pro is five? (Edit: I lied, it’s a 2017 model) Years old.

I don’t use their desktops, I use Linux for my servers and windows for playing games. But my Apple shit for casual use has all lasted me an insane amount of time.

My 13 year old MacBook Pro still gets through 1.75 playthroughs of Beetlejuice on max brightness! Full disclaimer, I originally bought it for games and used Windows 7 always plugged in, and only now it has an SSD and OSX and the battery has 30 cycles. BUT STILL

If you're much of a tech person, you must have been living under a rock if you think all apple products are good. Several of their laptops and desktops have been large misses, some have had critical flaws that burn them out after a few years, one of their iPhones had a battery/processor combo flaw that had the batteries not deliver enough voltage after like a year and instead of doing a recall, they put out an update that undercooked the apu so the phone ran shittier but wouldn't rando restart anymore. Then there was the iPhone that lost reception if "you were holding it wrong".

Also, there's a reason they were about to go bankrupt in the mid 90's. They got saved by Bill Gates and got lucky with the Ipod, that saved their company.

I just give my experience.

What is the phone with the undervolting? I do not know that thing.

Oh yeah, the thing that all devices do so they don’t just shut off randomly. Apple was just punished cuz they weren’t transparent about it. Would you rather your phone slow down as the battery is almost empty, or shut off at 15%?

Lol. That is 100% not true, Fan Boy. My four year old samsung still pulls the same test numbers and frequencies as when it was new. Apple was using flawed batteries with a processor that couldn't cope and just tried to cover it up.

My almost six year old iPhone XS Max also has a very healthy battery. But if we kept our phones for a long time, when your and my batteries aren’t healthy, both of our phones are absolutely going to throttle when voltage drops. If they don’t, they’ll just shut off at 15%. It’s how batteries work.

Notice that your phone is 6 years old, and not one year old. There's your hiccup.

Also, I'd rather replace a battery in a 6 year old phone, than put up with it only being at half capacity and being underclocked so it runs like shit.

Further also, you aren't quite understanding the issue with the phones. Most phones manufacturers leave some "wiggle room" for their power demand and don't need a full 3.6v for stability (lithium batts are 3.7v nominal). Apple screwed up their power draw and screwed up their battery manufacturing.

Hottest take on this site: Apple.

That's because there's such a huge and biased fan base, and they drown out the actual objective opinions.

I notice that here as well. I use tech products from all companies, but the frothing hate for everything Apple brings me back to my teens, in 2003, when I also felt that way. I started coming around when Apple started putting Intel processors in their machines and giving them decent specs for the price.

I originally bought my first Apple product, a MacBook Pro in 2008 for playing video games! All the PC laptops at the time were huge and had terrible battery life, while a 2008 MBP was tiny, light, and the battery lasted twice as long as GAMING LAPTOP. All I had to do was install Windows. That died in an unfortunate sticky spill and was replaced with my 2011 MBP, which is still going.

Now I just have that, my original first-Gen Apple Watch, a six year old iPhone, and an old iPad Pro. And they’re all still fast (well, not the watch) and work fantastically.

No it’s because they are so far above and beyond any of their competition Apple ‘s worst is better than any of the trash products trying to compete with it.

Lucky for you, but the truth is, Apple isn't that great or reliable. Here is a list of all the MacBook recalls, and it's a list from 2021. Battery issues of possibly catching fire, screens cracking, logic board failures, etc...

Here is another list that is from 2023 of different Apple devices.

Apple Watch Series 6 – Black Screen Issue iPhone 12 and 12 Pro – No Sound Issues iPhone 11 – Touch Issues AirPods Pro – Sound Issues iPad Air 3rd gen – Blank Screen Issue Smart Battery Case – Charging Issues iPhone 6s and 6s Plus – No Power Issues 15-inch MacBook Pro – Battery Overheating/Fire Risk MacBook lineup – Keyboard Issues 13-inch MacBook Pro – Display Backlight Issues Apple Three-Prong AC Wall Plug Adapter – Electrical Shock Risk iPhone X – Touch Issues iPhone 7 – No Service Issues iPhone 6 Plus – Multi-touch and Display Flickering Issues Apple European AC Wall Plug – Electrical Shock Risk Beats Pill XL – Overheating and Fire Risk Apple 5W European USB Power Adapter – Overheating Risk Apple Ultracompact USB Power Adapter – Electrical Shock Risk

I've been using MacBooks for work as a developer for over 15 years. They are ridiculously reliable. Earlier models would have key paint rub off. Mostly cosmetic stuff. But I've literally never had one not work.

I don't like that you can't switch out batteries, ram or hard drive anymore.

Also, they're not cheap so for personal use I don't buy apple products (especially since I don't want to switch from an android to an apple ecosysten) but its to the point where if work tried to make me use a Dell windows laptop for my daily driver id go find another job. That's how much I like the MacBook pro.

Until you realize you can't replace ram or batteries...

I replaced my RAM and the battery is easily replaceable… but that’s on my 2011 model.