FBI investigating individuals tied to Russia state media ahead of 2024 election

MicroWave@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 143 points –
FBI investigating individuals tied to Russia state media ahead of 2024 election

The Department of Justice is reportedly investigating multiple people with ties to Russian state media, weeks after federal officials warned that the Kremlin is attempting to influence the upcoming presidential election through the media. 

The FBI has searched multiple individuals this month as part of the probe, including former U.N. weapons inspector and U.S. foreign policy critic Scott Ritter, and foreign policy commentator Dimitri Simes, US officials briefed on the investigation told The New York Times.


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The BlueMAGA obsession with “RussiaGate” is as bad as the MAGA obsession with Qanon

Maybe the Trump campaign shouldn't have had over 200 contacts with a foreign adversary that interfered in the US elections if they didn't want to be investigated 🤷‍♂️

Now do Israels contacts with both parties

Ok, but first you need to actually address their point. Like you know that everyone here recognizes what you're doing, right?

Your time would be better spent shilling somewhere else.

You dont consider the genocidal ethnostate to be a foreign adversary, just say it

Nobody here is going to buy your shit, just stop.

if anything you're just helping Harris by making such moronic statements and then being corrected with actual sources and coherent responses. It just reinforces how stupid you look

So Israel isn’t committing genocide in Gaza?

I've made my stance crystal clear. Not going to repeat myself over and over.

The difference between you and me is that I actually care about the victims of is Israel's genocide more than just some self-righteous, performative-guilt bullshit.

This isn't about me, and whether I'm happy or not about who I have to vote for. This is about making the decision that will preserve the most Palestinian lives, and that will give us the best possible opportunity (given the unavoidable, real world situation we are in... No matter how fucking hard you try to pretend that it doesn't matter) to end that genocide.

And anyone with a modicum of critical thinking skills will see that the only option here is Harris.

So while you do everything you can to make yourself more comfortable because that's clearly top priority for you. With some misguided (at best, not sure why I continue to give you... Hasbro was it? Hash-brag?... shills the benefit of the doubt as you clearly don't deserve it) belief that you're doing the right thing by not voting, or by voting for a third party candidate, while what you're actually doing is essentially equal to a vote for Donald Trump.

Even far right billionaire Harlan Crowe knows this, which is why he's funding Cornel West's campaign! There is literally only one reason these ghouls would ever think to give monetary support to a progressive. I bet the idea made him sick. But he did it anyway because he knows what these candidates are here for. Something you keep pretending not to grasp.

Do you need me to explain why Donald Trump regaining office is the worst possible outcome for Palestinian people? Please tell me you don't need that.

Lmao AGAIN no one but you is talking about Cornel West. Got another dissertation lined up for this comment too?

Hasbara! That's what it's called... Not Hasbro.

Hope they pay well.

20 hour account already spreading "Blue MAGA" nonsense? Lmao. Blocked.

Yeah, if you believe the solution to Americas problems is it needs more (D)s in office you are literally BlueMAGA

Part of the solution is definitely weeding out the people purposely working against the good of the country.

I like to title the comment I'm replying to as, "How to immediately tell everyone that you're a shill without saying it"

"Blue MAGA" isn't a real thing, champ. You've been bamboozled by propaganda MAGA and affiliates are trying to spread.

In this comments replies people have admitted that they believe in the Dems making America great again. Wtf are you talking about???

You're so bad at this lol

3 comments to say something worthwhile and you failed each time. Come on

Did you realize you typed this out and sent it? Usually I keep stuff like that in my inner monologue, but I'm glad you're finally being honest.

People use "MAGA" as a shorthand describing the cultish devotion to a rapist insurrectionist and openly authoritarian fascist. You are misled or dishonest to present that idea that use of the specific phrase is what people mean when describing MAGAs.

MAGA stands for Make America Great Again not whatever fantasy nonsense you cooked up just now

That's alright. It's just your first day spreading MAGA propaganda, you'll get better at it.

Both camps do it and it is annoying af. The trouble is that it works well on so many people that. I doubt it’s going away, just another eshitification feature