What's a giveaway or tell that someone may be *too* online?

ALostInquirer@lemm.ee to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 105 points –

::: spoiler bonus question: what does it mean to be too online anymore? :::


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The question lacks depth of perspective. Human social needs are a fundamental part of life. The question lacks an understanding of the range of circumstances some human experience. Also, this perspective can be degrading and demeaning to someone such as myself that experiences nearly complete social isolation due to physical disability.

Sorry. This is why I included the bonus question:

what does it mean to be too online anymore?

This wasn't included in jest but in recognition that for many now there isn't any too online, it's simply the means of socializing, among other things.

What condescending claptrap. Degrading and demeaning? If you’re always online because you’re disabled and that’s the only way you can interact with people, then you’re not too online, are you?

Verbosity and hair-trigger outrage, however… yup, that smacks a bit of being too online.

Get off OPs back, dingus.

Verbosity and hair-trigger outrage

What condescending claptrap. Get off OPs back, dingus.

Y'all dinguses quit acting like dang doofuses

Edit lol laintrain commented "cringe" on a joke comment that is clearly stupid wordplay

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I do enjoy irony. I'm not always sure whether someone is in on the joke or not, but I enjoy it either way.

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