Why women or minorities would vote R is just completely beyond me

hydroptic@sopuli.xyz to Lefty Memes@lemmy.dbzer0.com – 879 points –

Women and minorities voting for conservatives always gives me real "Jews for Hitler" vibes.


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Well the other side does exactly the same. Hence no one can communicate anymore and we only dwell in our isolated meme bubbles and feed our egos with how much superior we are than them

Well the other side does exactly the same.


"They force me to live in a society where people not like me are not opressed!!"

I meant the conservatives dwell in their own bubbles and think exactly the same how superior they are etc

Everyone thinks they have a monopoly on being the most awesome human being and refuses to even acknowledge that it might not be the case.

Our society was ruined by narcissism

Except one side is all about taking freedoms away from people, and the other is about making sure people don't have their freedoms taken. They don't have any moral high ground to stand on here. Stop acting like both sides are the same. They fundamentally are not.

Conservative spaces ban users on sight for anything remotely dissenting. Do you really see that in leftist spaces? People do get banned in leftist spaces, often for being bigoted while Conservative spaces embrace bigotry and ban those who call it out.

And then there's folks like you who settle on on some nonsense centrism. Conservatives' idea of a "traditional life" comprises the following:

  1. Married with a white wife who is ideally a virgin because weirdo conservatives want someone "pure". Or an Asian wife that is super subservient so the ©traditional*" minded weirdo is assured he won't be cheated on.

  2. Wife will have kids, the more the better

  3. She won't work, because a) she'll have more time to take care of the kids when it's really more about b), her not earning her own money so she and her kids becomes financially reliant on her working husband.

  4. Girls being groomed at a young age so they later believe that getting married and becoming a stay at home mom was really a choice they made independently when it absolutely wasn't.

Then there's guys like you who read all of the above and simply say "wow guise way to be intolerant of other peoples' way of life". Like give me a break with that BS.

I meant the conservatives dwell in their own bubbles and think exactly the same how superior they are etc

But the person you replied to didn't say anything about a bubble or bring superior, what they said was:

You can live a traditional life without forcing other people to do it

So you ignored them entirely to have a completely different conversation about how "both sides don't listen"?

Who is forcing the tradfans to do anything other than acknowledge that some people are different?

Well the other side does exactly the same.

As usual, asserted without any evidence.

Damn leftists, telling women to work and live independently of men... It's the exact same as what the right does đŸ™„