Why does it seem the world is all of a sudden concerned about sexual orientation? Especially America. Did I miss how far we came as a society to see it take a 40 year step backwards?

Don_Dickle@lemmy.world to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 369 points –

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What does sexual orientation have to do with economics?

Surely the LGBT population has no bearing on the economy, right? I feel like I'm misunderstanding you somehow.

Class war isn’t about economics, it’s about power.

The “anti-woke” discourse is not as organic/grassroots as it appears; a large chunk of it is astroturfed.

The media don’t simply reflect the public discourse, they also shape it. Who owns the media? The capitalist class. They use the media to keep the working class divided, fighting each other, and focused on blaming their problems on something, anything but the capital class itself.

Noam Chomsky - The 5 Filters of the Mass Media Machine

Conservative pundits (and liberal ones, for that matter) are paid handsomely to distract people, to maintain our false consciousness, to pit us against each other.

Who owns the politicians? Again, the capitalist class, who fund their political campaigns. When politicians like Ron DeSantis rant about “woke ideology,” it’s almost always kayfabe; it’s an act.

This is not to say that none of it is organic. Our upset and our anger comes from our deteriorating lives under late stage/neoliberal capitalism—wherein the capitalist class squeezes ever more out of us—creates fertile ground for reactionary fervor.

You got all that from me saying that progress is going backwards because the people sweeping change are being counter-intuitive in who they lump together?

How did this conversation go from “good-intentioned politicians” to whatever might be going on in Iran? Do you even know what’s really going on there? Because I don’t.

Imperial core countries and corporate media feed us a lot of garbage about countries they consider their “enemy,” so you should be skeptical of what they tell us. With that said, I’m sure LGBTQ+ rights stand to be improved in Iran, but I don’t really know if they’re getting better, worse, or remaining the same right now. What I do know is that the US wants to paint Iran in as bad a light as possible, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the media should run more stories about the plight of LGBTQ+ people in Iran.

You then don't see the irony in telling the LGBT "we stand with you" and then going to homophobic nations and homophobic sects and saying the same thing (because they promise help with a certain advancement in awareness)?

That goes along with what I was talking about, about people making deals with the devil (a figure of speech by the way). I'm pretty sure this phenomenon does not need any help from class phenomenon, positive or negative, in order to exist.

The irony of who telling which LGBT people and subsequently going to “homophobic” states and saying the same thing to whom?

If someone understands what you’re trying to say, perhaps they can translate for me.

There is no "which" or "whom". That's implied in the main inquiry. Unless you just wanted to talk about class to someone.

There is no “which” or “whom”.

So there is a disembodied conversation going on between two non-entities, or groups of non-entities?

That’s implied in the main inquiry.

What is implied in what inquiry?

I’ve actually run into you before, in another post, and you didn’t make sense that time, either.

The discussion is about LGBT awareness. It doesn't specify a certain part of the LGBT, it's just about "the LGBT". As in all the letters. Not just the L, or the G, or the B, or so on, but everyone in the alphabet, even ones not listed in the main letters. The discussion is about why progress has gone backwards on societal acceptance. And here I am mentioning both the act of championing both those of us who are LGBT and taking subtle steps against us when allying with disagreeable entities. I beg to know what about this "doesn't make sense" or has any necessitated connection to class, especially when Marx was himself a homophobe, unless all some people understand are issues of class. I remember when the Israel/Palestine war began, we were told to ignore that, but now the war is between Israel and Iran, and the false justification is harder to place in their case.

The discussion is about why progress has gone backwards on societal acceptance.

A primary reason that progress is going backwards in many capitalist states is because fascism is on the rise in those states.

Why is fascism on the rise? Is it a meme that just randomly started spreading throughout the imperial core, for no particular reason? No, there is a material basis for it: it is because capitalism is in decay in those states. And fascism doesn’t simply run on vibes: fascist movements are funded by the wealthy, by billionaire oligarchs like Elon Musk and by people who own car dealerships & restaurant franchises. Trumpism: It’s Coming From the Suburbs

Specifically in the US, there is also the ratchet effect, which has been causing politics on the whole to lurch ever more rightward.

And it doesn’t take a Marxist to see what’s going on. Chris Hedges is a liberal who saw it coming 14 years ago in Death of the Liberal Class, long before Trump entered politics.

In any case your answer to the question was, “good intentioned politicians making deals with homophobic devils so to speak in order to save other people.” I don’t think that is a very good answer at all.

  • Who are these figurative devils?
  • What about them is devilish, and why are they they like that? What is their motivation?
  • What “other people” are they saving, and what are they being saved from?
  • Why do these devils have enough power over “good intentioned” politicians to change the course of history?
  • What makes you think the politicians have good intentions in the first place?

in many capitalist states

...as opposed to non-capitalist states? Was the Soviet Union capitalist or fascist? What about Turkmenistan? Case in point. Neither do they stray far from Karl Marx here.

A "deal with the devil" is a figure of speech that refers to the act of making an unwise wager because you consider what the other person offers to be worth it. If someone said "yes, I will give livelihood to all your other friends, if only you give me the servitude of that one friend", you'd fall under this for accepting the deal. It comes from the fairy tale of Faust, who dedicated his soul for his successes in this way.

Keep in mind we're talking a political faction that has absolutely no issue seeing as equals a completely unaltered way of life under the guise of what we call Islam. In Islamic thought, the LGBT, who I'm otherwise grateful the Democrats have been championing the voice of, deserve scorn, even though it's not an infinitely hard rule. When what I describe is in power, it's not going to allow itself to be challenged.

It ranks up there with having a pet mouse and having a pet cat and expecting them to get along.

Wut. You’re a human Markov chain. A firehose of nonsense and drama stirring.

Did you really just dox someone twenty-fold and dismiss them as an intentional "firehose" of drama/nonsense without any proof/testimony/investigation whatsoever before banning them to get out of a debate? You guys are low.

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