Instead of Ignoring Trans Rights at DNC, Dems Should’ve Vowed to Protect Them to politics – 8 points –

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Like as a moral matter or to get elected? They’re very different things.

Are they?

If a politician has certain morals but they set them aside to get elected, do they still hold those morals?

If a politician makes up morals they don't have to get elected, did they ever truly hold those morals?

The answer to both is a resounding NO.

If you abandon/adopt morals to get elected, you have no morals, you have self interests.

Whatever distinction you're trying to make, or why, is a you issue, there is no way to twist this in to it being ok.

Is not mentioning trans rights during an election speech the same thing as being against trans rights?

Nope. They are very different things. I'm all for trans rights, but I don't bring it up in every conversation I have about politics. That's not setting aside my morals or abandoning them.

Hypothetically, what if talking about trans rights turned off more voters than it brought in? What if that led to trump getting elected? Would it have been better to not mention it in the first place, or was the morality of mentioning it more important than trying to get elected during an election speech?

They didn't mention trans rights because they didn't want to alienate the Republicans that they're courting. They would rather shit on progressives than lose a conservative vote.

Why do you think that it's shitting on progressives? Can someone not mention during a speech but still work to pass legislation in support of trans rights when they have the power to do so, after an election where they need votes that may be turned off by the issue? Nobody came out against trans rights. An omission on the topic isn't anti trans.

If not talking about an issue now may mean more voters so that real change may happen, even if that means courting republicans, why is that a bad thing?

It's possible to support something without talking about it one time.

They have zero interest in protecting trans rights.

Based on what? There is zero basis in your claim.

Based on Republicans passing over 500 anti-trans bills the last several years and Democrats haven't done shit except talk about it. Democrat version of protecting their rights is telling them they're free to use whatever restroom they want, while ignoring that they don't have access to affordable Health Care or housing and may live in abject poverty while using that preferred restroom.

When did Democrats ever have the power to change any of that? Can't force change without control of Congress which didn't happen. While it seems like a weak consolation, gender neutral bathrooms is progress. Nobody as the unilateral power to make any of those changes.

What do you think could have been done over the last 4 years that would have been real change?

I'm sorry, but when there is so much at stake we have to lie. politicians have always lied. left and right. it's in their nature. they can't help it. if it's politically expedient to lie, even by omission, so the enemy doesn't use it against you and chips away at that majority, then I'm totally comfortable with that. of course, I'd much prefer that it was illegal for politicians to lie, like they are trialing in Wales, then we'd have a very different calibre of politics. I'm all for that. bring on enforced honesty in politics. but until that's established and the enemy, and let me make this very clear, the US Nazis are very much the enemy, we have to temper our political persona a bit. once we win then we show how inclusive and caring we are. but if saying something what could be used in an attack against our valiant cause, it's ok to hide it. for now. look at Walz, he's an ally to the cause and we're not hiding him. he's in full view, heart on his sleeve, and from what I can tell, he's a really good man. those are the qualities we need to show off. we're not hiding those morals, we're just not shouting loudly about some of the more progressive values we hold, so they can't be twisted and used against us. we need to win this election. fairly and absolutely convincingly. and I'm talking as a Kiwi, a citizen of Earth, watching on in horror what could be coming and the pivot in geopolitical power that would inevitably occur. your election has way more reach than just your shores. the good guys need to win and kick the US Nazis so hard in the nuts they remember loosing forever. anyway. thanks for listening

The democrats didn't leave fighting for trans rights out because they fear being attacked (literally every word they say will get twisted and attacked), but because they don't intend to fight for them, and saying they do, would be the lie.

The fact that you fuckers are so willing to take it the other way and support the idea of erasing one of the main groups being targeted right now in order to win over some bigots (despite, in your own warped minds, them really truly supporting trans rights, promise!) is honestly disgusting.

"Win over bigots to beat the bigot!"

How the fuck do you think that ends for trans people?