What is your favourite open source software that you discovered in the past year, that you can no longer live without?

Shape4985@lemmy.ml to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 515 points –

Mine is Local Send which is a FOSS alternative similar to air drop that works across a variety of devices.


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Mine is kdeconnect which does what local send does plus so much more.

  • using phone to control laptop
  • getting phone notifications send to your pc
  • can browse phone's storage directly from pc
  • find my phone function

Kde connect is great, iv always thought about using it but never got round to it as im current using a wm instead of a desktop environment. If i was to switch to a desktop environment kde would be my first choice as it has so many features.

I have kdeconnect on my i3wm.

Iv never tried it on my wm. Ill dow load it and give it a shot.

It used to be considered a security risk back in the day. Maybe it just a security "unknown"

I tried the iOS beta until it expired. Didn't know it ever made it to the app store.

I've had issues with it for file sharing, so far that I'm sticking to LocalSend, but I really need to explore KDEConnect further, as I haven't explored the rest of its features.

Wait kdeconnect is Foss?! Can I fix the atrocious gui myself?!? 😂

That application rules but it looks like butt on my workstation.

GSConnect works great for GNOME too.

There's also a still in-development rival for GNOME, Valent. And it's a native program and not just a shell extension. I prefer it, and maybe it even has more features.

I found it to be more than I needed. I still have it installed, but use localsend more often