Jill Stein, Chase Oliver Could Cost Kamala Harris in Pennsylvania: Poll

Socialist Berserker@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – -27 points –
Jill Stein, Chase Oliver could cost Kamala Harris in Pennsylvania: Poll

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  1. I’m sure your not voting for Jill Stein because you’re probably not a US citizen. 2) all you post are anti-Democrat posts. Odd that none of your wise criticism falls on the Republicans. Then again, posting online is much easier than being sent to the front lines! 🌻🌻🌻

I’m sure your not voting for Jill Stein

Correct. Though I support her efforts, I’ve shifted my support to Rachele Fruit of the Socialist Workers Party, who aligns more closely with my socialist convictions.

  1. all you post are anti-Democrat posts.

Nope. Weird that you said that without actually looking at my post history. Let me help you: https://lemmy.world/u/UniversalMonk?page=1&sort=New&view=Posts

Isn’t it funny how quick you are to question my citizenship and motives while conveniently ignoring the fact that I’ve been upfront about my stance?

Sounds like you’ve got your own agenda to protect the duopoly.

I’m starting to think you’re the one backing the GOP from the shadows, desperately trying to maintain the status quo while I’m out here fighting for real change.

I see what you're trying to do. You're not fooling me at all. Comrade.

This Socialist Worker Party? https://themilitant.com/2024/08/24/war-on-hamas-defends-israelis-from-jew-hatred-deadly-pogroms/

I mean that is their official website and I would have to assume Rachele Fruit is in support of this kind of anti-Palestinian, anti-human rights rhetoric for it to be on their front-page today? Supporting a Russian stooge like Stein was bad enough, but this… wow, this is something else.

That is their website, yes. And I am aware that is their front page, because I also subscribe to the paper they put out.

Though I don't entirely support all of her viewpoints on the Palestinian conflict, I support the other parts of her campaign enough to support her. Just as many democrats don't necessarily love all of the democratic party's view on the conflict, yet still support her.

I support the majority of her views and think she is the candidate that best aligns with my views, and as of now, she is getting my vote. But I also like Socialist presidential candidate Claudia De la Cruz, so I am reading more and more of her stuff. So I may switch to her before the election. So I actually support both of the socialist parties. As more news and information comes out, I may jump over to De la Cruz or stick with Fruit.

Interesting - so you hadn’t been posting in previous weeks that Democrats should abandon Harris over Gaza? Only to jump from a Russian stooge to someone who is significantly far more antagonistic towards the Palestinian people and their right to exist? And your response is essentially “well, of course I don’t support ALL of the SWP’s beliefs.”

Bravo, my friend. That’s quite the political pretzel you’ve turned yourself into.

Interesting - so you hadn’t been posting in previous weeks that Democrats should abandon Harris over Gaza?

Have I ever personally said that? Many articles say that, but I didn't write the articles. Many posters say that, and I may agree with them or support and respect their right to that opinion, but have I ever said people should abandon Harris "just because of Gaza?"

And I also support De la Cruz who is very very adamant about the Palestinian conflict.

I update my opinions as I learn more things. As most educated people do. And even tho I am no longer voting for Jill Stein, I still support and respect her efforts and I don't think she is a russian stooge.

Bruh, I posted a political news article to this political news community. I am interested in third parties, and have posted news about several different third parties in here and other communities. I have never hid that fact. Ever.

In fact, I created and mod a community called "Third Party News."

And I created and mod a community called "Green Party."

And I created and mod a community called "Socialist."

What "political pretzel" do you think I have created?! lol

I mean yes, either directly or indirectly. From just two days ago you said that Harris’ approach was no different than Trump’s desire to nuke Gaza.


“both indifferent to the real suffering they cause”

And here you are now supporting someone actually worse than both Trump and Harris on the issue you were so passionate about two days ago.

And that was just after 10 seconds spent searching. We both know there’s lots more out there.

And I still haven't changed my opinion on that point, and I said I don't agree with Fruit's view on that particular subject. So I still am not seeing what point you're trying to make.

So Dems should abandon Harris because of her stance on Gaza…in order to back a candidate like Fruit who has a much worse stance on Gaza? Do you not see the disconnect?

Or perhaps you agree with the SWP’s stance on DEI programs? They seem to say that teaching about systemic racism is putting down workers? https://themilitant.com/2020/10/17/rulers-use-racial-sensitivity-programs-to-attack-working-class/

Do you line up with Fruit on that one?

Do you line up with Fruit on that one?

That article is from 2020. I have not heard her comments on that.

And I interpret the article as author asserting that these initiatives distract from the true history of class struggle in the U.S., where Black and white workers need to unite to fight for civil rights and economic justice. The article implies that the ruling class uses these programs to maintain power and suppress potential working-class unity, which is essential for challenging capitalist exploitation and achieving true social change. The article supports Black rights, but it does so from a class-based perspective.

It emphasizes that true progress for Black people, as well as for all working-class people, comes from unity and solidarity in class struggle rather than from programs that emphasize racial divisions.

The Socialist Workers Party (SWP) has a history of supporting Black rights and advocating for racial equality as part of its broader struggle for socialism and workers' rights. The SWP has consistently emphasized the importance of solidarity between Black workers and the broader working class, seeing the fight against racism as integral to the fight against capitalism.

Historically, the SWP has been involved in civil rights movements and has supported efforts to combat racial discrimination and segregation. The party was active in supporting the civil rights movement in the 1960s, including working with leaders like Malcolm X and supporting initiatives like the Freedom Rides and the March on Washington.

The SWP has always viewed racism as a tool used by the capitalist class to divide workers and weaken their collective power. Therefore, the party advocates for the unity of workers across racial lines and believes that the liberation of Black people is crucial to the liberation of all workers. This perspective aligns with their broader goal of overthrowing capitalism and establishing a socialist society where all forms of exploitation and oppression are eradicated.

Friend, you can go through every single back issue of that magazine trying to prove some point, but I am literally reading the "Malcom X, Black LIberation, and the Road to Workers Power" book by Jack Barnes on my break from yardwork today. It was published by the Socialist Workers Party publishing arm, Pathfinder Press. And I bought the book from the SWP website. I got it in the mail yesterday with another book I ordered from them. lol

I know it doesn't fit the narrative you have of me.

You hated me for voting for Jill Stein. Now you'll hate me for voting Socialist. I have a feeling, nothing is gonna change your mind. And why? Because I'm not voting for your candidate.

And guess what, I'm STILL not gonna vote for you candidate. Your "Gotcha!" moment isn't happening.

I have also posted information about Fruit and MANY articles from the website you are talking about in my socialist community: https://lemmy.world/c/socialist

I haven't hidden any of my views. They are all right there.

Friend, you can go through every single back issue of that magazine trying to prove some point, but I am literally reading the "Malcom X, Black LIberation, and the Road to Workers Power"

First, we are not friends. We are not brothers. We are not comrades. So you can stop with the usual bs in your replies.

And really - pulling the literary equivalent of “I have a black friend” defense? You are just so precious!

You hated me for voting for Jill Stein. Now you'll hate me for voting Socialist. I have a feeling, nothing is gonna change your mind.

Wow, such an ego! Not very socialist of you though. I don’t hate you. I don’t even think about you other than when your sad little antics pop up in my feed like a turd in the pool. You amused me for a time, but now you’re just boring. I only bother to reply when you spout such obvious bs that it needs to be called out…and when I have nothing better to do. Just my bad luck today to run into you again.

Glad you found such a morally good fit to support with your vote! I guess it’s true what they say, there really is someone out there for everyone.

And really - pulling the literary equivalent of “I have a black friend” defense? You are just so precious!

Friend, ya need to back up. My adoptive mother is black. So you can back the fuck off with that comment. You can disagree with me all you want, but ease up on the racism implications. Not cool. I put up with your DEI implication, but now you're going to far.

I don’t even think about you other than when your sad little antics pop up in my feed like a turd in the pool. You amused me for a time, but now you’re just boring.

Oh ok, then, well lucky for you that Lemmy makes it super super easy to block someone. And if ya block me, ya never have to see posts or comments from me ever again. See? That's good news for you!

Glad you found such a morally good fit to support with your vote!

Awww, thank you for your support. I know that you respect and support my right to vote for whoever I want. As I support and respect yours. Right?! :)

My adoptive mother is black.

Just out of curiosity then, do you know who she’s voting for? Since you brought her up, I think it’s an interesting and fair question, especially if you have shared your thoughts with her.

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