Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills to – 487 points –
Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills

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linux can be used through mostly GUI now so i partly agree with you, but installing linux can be quite a hard task for those who aren’t tech savvy. i’m pretty sure being able to do the following can be considered tech savvy:

  1. change boot settings
  2. flash an ISO to a USB drive
  3. shrink windows partition into a new one for linux
  4. boot from USB
  5. actually install linux
  6. get used to linux

Edit: the thing is… everyone is so used to things being pre-installed (ie windows/macOS/iOS), being able to download apps easily from the apple App Store. anything even slightly more complicated than that is too hard for them. i’ve had a graphic design class with some people a few years ago and some of them had to ask me for help for how to open a file, save, and export. if something isn’t completely, 100% automated for them, they can’t do it.

Can you not order Ubuntu on a DVD anymore? Also you’re explaining dual boot. You can just single boot linux

i’m not sure. most people at my school use a laptop at their main computer, so they couldn’t use an ubuntu DVD anyways. i personally prefer dual boot over single boot

… did everyone remove the media drive off laptops? There are also external media drives.

New laptops don't have optical drives. I don't think there's a single manufacturer that still has them.

Hell, most new computer cases (much to my chagrin) don't even have 5 1/4" bays.

I think it has been probably more than 5 years since I have seen an optical drive on a new laptop.