'This pig': Observers erupt as ex-president caught 'threatening the voters' at his rally

just_another_person@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 18 points –
Observers erupt as ex-president caught 'threatening the voters' at his rally

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"I better win or you're gonna have problems like we've never had. We may have no country left," Trump said at his weekend swing-state rally. "This may be our last election. You want to know the truth? People have said that. This could be our last election."

It's always projection with him and his supporters.

Side note: the thumbnail on this article has priceless meme potential.

He's quoting himself. He's the one who said it. Its on video

Wow, the one time trump has told the truth!

Also orange dipshit:

I am going to be a dictator on day one


Did you mean…

Orange dipshit:

Did I stutter?

Magoos: He was just kidding!

Orange dipshit: I don't joke about anything!

Magoos: that was a joke too, he's just really deep you don't get it.

Side note: the thumbnail on this article has priceless meme potential.

That's the face my kid used to make as a baby when pooping.

What a coincidence! There's a reason why he wears adult diapers.