Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills to – 487 points –
Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills

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I built my Gen Z nephew a PC with a GTX 950 a few years back. When I went by to gift him a new video card I found out that he hooked up his video output from the motherboard the whole time. Don't know how that reflects on all kids from his generation but it was kinda funny.

That’s funny but is a mistake that much more tech savvy people make. Although, they would figure out they made a mistake much sooner.

DRI_PRIME=1 goes brrrr

Pretty sure someone who doesn't know to plug their GPU in is probably not running Linux

Idk, i specifically plug it into motherboard since i use cheap used gpus that can break easily, example is Nvidia p106, it doesn't even have video output, and it's easier to flip DRI_PRIME from 1 to 0 than redo the cables

That's a conscious decision though I said someone who doesn't know