How some people afford to travel around the world for months without working? to No Stupid – 164 points –

I'm one of those who work 5 days a week to earn a living. We have our vacation days to enjoy whatever we want to do in life, but we still need to go back to work because people like me will struggle in life if we lose our job.

So I'm curious how some people like the guy in the video can travel around the world for almost a year without working. There are also other vloggers out there who left home to go on a travel and they are still young. Do they already have savings enough to support until they retire?


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wow fast reply. thanks. hmm ok that's a term i heard but not fully understand. i'll check it out

It’s rich kids living off of daddy’s money i.e. trust fund babies (trust funds are their own separate thing but you can look that up). It’s not like these people were working as a food server then one day decided to travel the world and make videos about it. They needed a nice financial cushion in order to do that. There are exceptions, but it takes a lot of capital to start your own brand, promote it, pay for the traveling expenses, and somehow get a return.

They mean that they came from money.

On the other hand, come join us at ! and learn about financial independence.

Is it just:

Step 1) get a tech job in California Step 2) FIRE!

I mean, that definitely helps, but it's more: 1) Spend less than you make. 2) Invest the rest. 3) FIRE!

Investing the £10 I have spare every month doesn't go far to retire early

Yeah sorry, luck of the draw—be born into a family that has money. Else, make that money, retire early, and let your kids have a better life.