[USA] Presidential Debate Mega Thread

JonsJava@lemmy.worldmod to News@lemmy.world – 249 points –

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I got to say Trump has stayed much calmer than I was hoping he would. I was really hoping she could get him lathered up, and while he's absolutely crazy for a normal person for Trump he's fairly normal tonight. It's a bummer.

I was expecting lots of farting.

Like you, I'm surprised he's sort-of held it together. They gave him the right drug cocktail I guess.

He lost it a couple of times. He was also making a bunch of weird-ass faces.

his brow sweat was clearly running down his nose and ruining his makeup, you could visibly see the pool at the nostrils. He couldn't do anything about it other than making dumb faces to try and redirect it, because using a handkerchief to dab would cause bronzer disaster is my uneducated guess (as a sweaty guy)

I mean I don't hear trump to often but it scares me to think that this is him calm and rationale.