Anybody watching the US Presidential debate right now? to Ask – 288 points –

Mfer literally quoted Orban. Bruuuuh


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I’ve been genuinely impressed by their real-time fact checking. They’re swatting away every wild thing he says calmly and with specific examples of the truth. These moderators are incredibly well-prepared.

Hopefully that's the standard from now on. Unless Donny finally kicks the bucket we're probably gonna be seeing more of him even if he loses in November

There's no way the GOP will give him another chance after losing twice, especially with all the other baggage

Hahahahah. He is the gop now. Would be fun watching him shred the party to pieces from a jail cell. Not to celebrate to early or anything.

As much as I want to agree I still don't think it's likely he'll ever see the inside of a cell. Not when the highest court in the land is almost entirely made up of his servants

To me, if trump loses, the charges will start piling up. Sure it may be years until he's actually punished but I wouldn't rule it out. Not with everything he is up against (so far). I'd bet money trump is committing more crimes to this day.

Well there's no way they didn't know what to expect!