75% of all PS5 owners prefer Performance Mode according to PlayStation

simple@lemm.ee to Games@lemmy.world – 124 points –
75% of all PS5 owners prefer Performance Mode according to PlayStation - KitGuru

Demystifying the rumors that most console players only care about graphics.


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This means game devs will start focusing more on better performance and optimization, right? ...RIGHT?

What companies read in this comment: Fuck optimization, put DLSS in and demand higher specs from players

Why spend time optimizing when you cant just slap some dogshit upscaling technology in and call it a day? Cant blame a lot of developers though, with the shitty time restraints imposed by management.

It's really a shame because the upscaling tech is nice but it still has a lot of visual glitches and issues that keeps me from using it much. It might look nice on still images, but once things start moving there's a lot of blur and ghosting.

Same goes for raytracing, it can look good but lights and reflections will often still bug out, which takes me straight out of the immersion.

Yeah, I'm never using either of them, if the game doesnt run well without, I'll just refund.

I just wish today's tech wasn't so blurry. I miss SSAA (and games being optimized enough to be able to run it sometimes without a supercomputer).

Best we can do is the game will run on ps5 pro only. Regular ps5 is supported only at 15 fps.