iFixit wants to fix the soldering iron

Ghostalmedia@lemmy.world to Technology@lemmy.world – 437 points –
iFixit wants to fix the soldering iron

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Sounds like marketing foo.

I have a 10+ year old Weller station with digital temp adjustment, and I don't recall it having a cpu and ram.

If it has digital temperature control then it has something resembling a CPU and memory. If it's analog then it's probably just not that accurate and will drift over time without manual calibration.

I have a pinecil and direct heat soldering irons blow away non direct heat irons like your weller (and I think this ifixit one). Once you switch you never want to go back. Which is really disappointing because I don't think this new ifix it one is.

don't recall it having a cpu

So, what's updating the display? Power supply imps?

digital temp adjustment

Digital temp adjustment is different than a sensor that tells you the exact temp at the tip.

Pretty sure any 10+ year old unit is just setting a temp, not telling you the actual temp through a measurement.

The Weller WESD51 sets the temp at the tip and mine has done that since I bought it in 2016. A look at a datasheet dates it back to 2006 but it could be older. By definition that means it has to know what the tip temp is. As it heats up the digital display tracks the temp going up.

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