Debate wrap up: No one has ever so thoroughly dominated Donald Trump to politics – 1018 points –
Debate Wrap Up: No One Has Ever So Thoroughly Dominated Donald Trump

She set a tone at the very start when she walked right into his space to shake his hand and made him almost pull back into himself in response. She was in charge and never stopped being in charge. 

Harris also managed what neither Joe Biden nor Hillary Clinton nor any of the 2016 Republicans managed to do which is successfully bait Donald Trump and get under his skin. Within a few minutes Trump was visibly angry and not in a way that empowered him but in a way that made him lose focus, go down rabbit holes and generally go off onto damaging tangents. Spittle anger, not righteous anger, shall we say.


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It's "reeked" but let's be real, we already knew you couldn't fucking spell.

Haha, the very first comment is an ad hominem. Can't wait for the rest.

That you cannot spell isn't a character attack, it is an objective fact easily verified by reading your comments.

It's just a fact that makes you look bad. Sucks to suck.

I'm sick of correcting people because they lack reading comprehension. That was absolutely a personal attack.

we already knew you couldn't fucking spell

Your comment is also an ad hominem. You think I should defend myself for commonly misspelled words and typos? Here's a personal attack for ya, get stuffed.