Trump's 'body odor' leaves people 'gagging' as Republican says 'you need a mask' to politics – 912 points –
Trump's 'body odor' leaves people 'gagging' as Republican says 'you need a mask'

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What's the matter? They can dish it out but can't take it? LOL, how pathetic!

"LOL he's stinky!" is not the burn you think it is. Makes you look like a not-particularly-bright 7 year-old. Grow up.

EDIT: lmao, tons of immature babies angrily clicking that downvote button, awww.

Grownups wash themselves, that's the whole reason this is newsworthy

I’d rather be 7 than a Trump supporter. Get out of here.

You already are, if this resonates with you. How about you get out of here, "he's stinky" doesn't belong here, keep it in the playground.

You’re a stinky trumpet

Literally have never voted R in my life, but if you're simple-minded enough to argue in favor of "he's stinky" discourse, I'm not surprised your smooth brain came to this conclusion.

I think it’s so funny this is driving you crazy.

That's projection lol, you're all going nuts at someone having the audacity to call out obvious, objective childishness.

Grow up.

Just because you say it’s projection doesn’t mean it is. That’s the kind of thing someone going nuts would do.

Childishness? Isn’t that… dun dun duuuun, PROJECTION!!

You’re stinky.

Just because you say it’s projection doesn’t mean it is.

It's not because I say it, it's because of all the freaking out in this thread in response to being called out on what is, objectively, immature childish behavior.

If anyone has on their list of political criticisms of Donald Trump "people said he's smelly", that person deserves to never be taken seriously by anyone of merit. That's a fact, no matter how hard you cope. That's why you're being mocked, and why it's merited. Child.

Whine some more.

Projection--what is making a thread out of "he's stinky!" if not impotent whining? lmao

This kind of childish bullshit literally helps the Trump supporters.