Trump's 'body odor' leaves people 'gagging' as Republican says 'you need a mask' to politics – 912 points –
Trump's 'body odor' leaves people 'gagging' as Republican says 'you need a mask'

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Very important and newsworthy.

This is 'tan suit' tier, grow up.

This man can't take care of his own damn hygiene, I think that's actually incredibly relevant to someone that wants to take care of an entire goddamn major country.

People talk more about obamas tan suit than him putting his pants on backwards. Which is super funny to me.

You only think it's relevant because you're on the other side, you're not fooling anyone, lmao.

Also kinda ironic given this.

That's what makes it even more amusing. I mean, Team Red criticized everything about our candidate from the colour of his suits to his nationality with his politics definitely not off limits. We're just having a little fun here.

It should elicit nothing more than an eye roll from anyone with a two-digit age. "He's stinky!" is being spread in a politics community. It's literally pathetic grade-school garbage.

We’re just having a little fun here.

I have zero doubt you wouldn't perceive someone saying the same about Biden or Harris the same way, lol.

Yes, but you see, they don't stink

I mean, he who smelt it dealt it! runs away laughing

"He's stinky" is a schoolyard taunt if it's not true, or if it was a one off issue and it never went away. If this adult can't take care of his own hygiene, that reveals some deeper issue that's probably worth discussing. Couple that with noone likes working with someone who stinks, so it calls into question his effectiveness as a leader.

But more importantly, his cult followers view him as some strong alpha male. If they see the reality that everyone who gets close to him is laughing at this man-child behind his back, were less likely to end up with him as president and that's a good thing.

What's the matter? They can dish it out but can't take it? LOL, how pathetic!

"LOL he's stinky!" is not the burn you think it is. Makes you look like a not-particularly-bright 7 year-old. Grow up.

EDIT: lmao, tons of immature babies angrily clicking that downvote button, awww.

Grownups wash themselves, that's the whole reason this is newsworthy

I’d rather be 7 than a Trump supporter. Get out of here.

You already are, if this resonates with you. How about you get out of here, "he's stinky" doesn't belong here, keep it in the playground.

You’re a stinky trumpet

Literally have never voted R in my life, but if you're simple-minded enough to argue in favor of "he's stinky" discourse, I'm not surprised your smooth brain came to this conclusion.

I think it’s so funny this is driving you crazy.

That's projection lol, you're all going nuts at someone having the audacity to call out obvious, objective childishness.

Grow up.

Just because you say it’s projection doesn’t mean it is. That’s the kind of thing someone going nuts would do.

Childishness? Isn’t that… dun dun duuuun, PROJECTION!!

You’re stinky.

Just because you say it’s projection doesn’t mean it is.

It's not because I say it, it's because of all the freaking out in this thread in response to being called out on what is, objectively, immature childish behavior.

If anyone has on their list of political criticisms of Donald Trump "people said he's smelly", that person deserves to never be taken seriously by anyone of merit. That's a fact, no matter how hard you cope. That's why you're being mocked, and why it's merited. Child.

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Whine some more.

Projection--what is making a thread out of "he's stinky!" if not impotent whining? lmao

This kind of childish bullshit literally helps the Trump supporters.

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No, “tan suit” was a contrived issue. No world leaders would be put off or would judge Obama for wearing a tan suit.

Bad personal hygiene on the other hand….

Yeah, this is just down there with the right making fun of Kamala's laugh.

Eh, don’t care. Literally everything and anything weird or gross about trump is fair game. Dude is a psychopathic fascist pedophile. There are court cases about it that were only dismissed (correction) dropped because he threatened to murder the families of the girls involved. Don’t be an apologist for that.

Eh, don’t care.

"I don't have values, I only have a team."

Pitiful ideologues.

Yes, I have a team. It’s called “not a fascist”.

The other team is the fascists.

I know I’m not being civil when I say this, but you're verging into a category that does not deserve an iota of respect: Do not fucking come in here with that false equivalence. Do not be a fascist apologist.

What a surprise, you consider your team the good guys and the other the bad guys, lmao.

If you had values, you'd recognize shitty/stupid behavior no matter who is doing it. By giving your side a pass for behavior you'd absolutely criticize the other side for, you prove that you have no actual values. It's team loyalty over integrity. Your comment just reinforced that. I'd put money down that

By the way, calling out "he's stinky!" as childish, which it objectively is, is not fucking FASCISM APOLOGY, lmaoooooooo. Ideologues are so over the top, hahahaha, holy shit! Listen to yourself, for crying out loud.

No it's definitely not the same. A tan suit is just a matter of taste (pretty good taste if you ask me), and a laugh is part of you, it can't really be changed, not honestly anyway. But nobody is just a "stinky" person, that's a reflection of a lack of hygiene, a skill and habit that every competent adult and older child should have mastered, let alone a candidate for the highest office. How can he care for his constituents if he apparently doesn't care for himself?

Exactly. It's pathetic how little self-awareness people can have when blinded by political fealty.

Just like the stupid 'nicknames' people think they're so clever making up and repeating, when all it's doing is showing that that's someone who merits zero attention from any mature adult. Durr hurr Obummer, durr hurr DEMONcrats, durr hurr ReTHUGlicans, durr hurr orange, durr hurr SCAMala, etc. etc.

In a way, I don't mind because it's just an easy way to identify people who should not be taken seriously, lol.

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