Now you know, and knowing is half the RULE: GI JOE!! to – 786 points –

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When people ask for source, it's usually in response to a fringe claim that is not well documented. This is not that. It has been well documented and discussed in the last 5 to 10 years and there are plenty of sources available with a little bit of searching. I have a hard time believing you are asking in good faith.

Most likely they are asking in good faith, they just aren't familiar with it because they live on another continent, and they're asking because people here might know a particularly good source that's better than whatever they get in an online search.

But yeah, in this case, an online search would likely come up with plenty of good enough accounts. I think that Behind the Bastards podcast would be a good source, however the link above doesn't work for me. Here's their YouTube version:

come on dude, there are better and worse descriptions of everything. Providing sources should just be routine.