Jill Stein leads Harris, Trump among some Muslim-American swing state voters, report shows

Socialist Berserker@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – -68 points –
Jill Stein leads Harris, Trump among some Muslim-American swing state voters, report shows

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Agreed. But I didn't write the headline, nor did I write the article.

For someone who “isn’t voting for Jill Stein” you certainly post a lot of articles about her.

For someone who “isn’t voting for Jill Stein” you certainly post a lot of articles about her.

I don't have to explain anything to you.

I didn’t ask you to.

Good. Because I don't have to.

Glad that you’re finally learning.

Thanks. And thank you for learning that I am under no obligation to explain anything to you. So we're friends now!

Apology accepted. But we’re not friends.

You misunderstood somehow. I didn't apologize, as I have nothing to apologize for.

Can we be friends now?

You’re forgiven.

Good, since I didn't do anything wrong in the first place. :)

Some people feel you are pushing an article that is clearly designed to manipulate.

So by posting an article, that I didn't write, from a news org I have no association with, I'm "pushing" the article?

Are all the pro-Democrat or pro-Harris articles here also being posted by people who are "pushing" an agenda?

Are you suggesting that news articles that don't represent the majority opinion in this community shouldn't be shared or viewed at all? Do you think certain news should be hidden from the public?

It sounds like you're advocating for limiting choices and restricting access to information. I’d really appreciate some clarification because, to me, it sounds like you're endorsing censorship and would rather this space be an echo chamber.

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But you did post the dumb article. Enjoy the downcotes and a block from me

The only problem with blocking people like this is that they get to say their unmitigated bloviating BS without being countered. I considered blocking all these 'concerned third party voters', but decided against when someone pointed out to me that all that does is let them spew their nonsense unchecked.

Ah, I made the mistake of reporting with an alt what is clearly a deluge of either bad faith bullshit or straight propaganda, and got these posts hidden from me for me. Powers that be seem to want this type of content unchallenged.

So does that mean you think these third party news articles posted to Lemmy are actually swaying Lemmy voters?! Come on, now... lol

Do you honestly think that by people posting a third party article, that lots of Lemmy voters are gonna suddenly drop their Harris support and go pro-third party?!

Is that the big mission you are on? To put a stop to that? Seriously?

So if you DO believe that, then are you saying that people should NOT vote third party news? That people SHOULDN'T have access to other news or other opinions?

So articles that you don't like shouldn't be posted then? Is that what you are saying?

Maybe this community should ONLY have news articles that you personally agree with, right? Like an echo-chamber?

It's not about agreeing or not agreeing with them, it's the fact that it's a misleading fluff piece and you full well know it.

But I didn't write it. And if it's so obvious that it's a "misleading fluff piece" then it wouldn't sway anyone.

And actually since the news org wrote it, are you saying that the news org is writing fluff pieces for a third party? Are you going to contact the reporters and the editorial team to let your thoughts be known?

I just post the news, I don't write it, friend.

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