What does "blackpilled" mean?

Cryophilia@lemmy.world to No Stupid Questions@lemmy.world – 97 points –

I'm not hip to the lingo


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Why are incels immediately associated with losers? Incel just means involuntary celibate

Because incels are the cause of their own suffering, circlejerking each other into the delusion that it must be their outsides that are the reason they cannot find a girl, instead of acknowledging that they're deeply fucked personalities and delusional views are the actual reasons why everyone hates them.

The view is anyone that can't get sex is worthless. It's a harsh truth that people don't like to admit.

People love to use the fact that people aren't get sex against them.

The whole treatment of incels seems hypocritical to me tbh. Like they make some good points. But society can't accept nuance, they can't accept that someone that don't like might be right about something's.