What does "blackpilled" mean?

Cryophilia@lemmy.world to No Stupid Questions@lemmy.world – 94 points –

I'm not hip to the lingo


Having lost hope of things improving and surrendered to despair.

Well that doesn't sound useful at all. How boring.

Yeah, not particularly fun, either. Would be very convenient if you were looking for an excuse to never bother with anything though.

Yeah, it's a pretty deep pit of depression. I suspect most people who consider themselves blackpilled are clinically depressed. Not at all useful. But then again, neither is being judgmental of them.

These terms are usually used when talking about the dating scene and they originate from the movie Matrix where taking the blue pill means you'll stay blissfully ignorant where as red pill means seeing the harsh reality of the world. In dating contex this usually means the idea that women only want rich and high status men who are over 6 feet tall, muscular and have a huge dick and if you want a quality mate you need to achieve these things one way or another.

Black pill just takes this one step further. It's basically like going from determinism to fatalism meaning that since you didn't win the genetic lottery there's nothing you can do about it so just accept the fact that this is going to be your life untill you die.

So blackpilled = incelpilled?

Well not really. Those are different things. Black pill is about how you think, while incel is about what you are.

Incels are defined by how they think, not what they are.

Depends on which definition you go by, I guess. I prefer the literal meaning of the word; involuntary celibate. A person who is celibate against their own will.

Nobody is celibate against their will. They might have difficulty getting into relationships, but they are also choosing not to use the services of sex workers.

I don't think that's fair. It's not just sex they are after; they want a relationship but are unable to get into one.

A relationship defined in their own learned psychopathic terms.

Your typical incel is that quiet guy in school with bad skin, plain clothes, and oily hair, whose only friends were the other outcasts. Like everyone else, they just wanted a normal relationship with a normal woman. It's the repeated failure to form those relationships that leads to the resentment and anger we now see. They weren’t always like that. The bitterness and hatred is a coping mechanism for their situation, not the cause of it.

Most of the people that fit your description that I knew in the 90s had relationships with other outcasts, the people they hung out with. Hell, I probably could have fit that description and had no issues dating!

'Normal women' includes all kinds of women, but the context implies that they are choosing some kind of stereotypical type of woman which is limiting their dating pool. Their bitterness and hatred comes from not changing their behavior to attract the type of women they were interested in.

I'm sure that's true in some cases, but I wouldn't generalize it as the explanation for most incel's situations that they simply had too unrealistic standards

They do have unrealistic expectations.

Those might include standards, limited preferences, or an expectation that a relationship is just going to magically happen despite not doing the things that are necessary for a relationship to start.

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The term, "involuntarily celibate" is not about how someone thinks, hence the "involuntary" portion of the phrase.

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Arguably blackpilled folks are less problematic than incels since they have given up looking and perhaps developed a better attitude toward women (paradoxically) while incels hold a shred of toxic hope that their tradwife will swoop in and save them and that hope eats them alive. Note: I am not a scholar of either community's worldview

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____pilled is a mindset. Black is depressed, given up, etc.

What's the pill color for "eh, it could be worse"?

I'd argue that isn't really 'pilled' at all, as I'd say 'pill' ideology requires some level of caring one way or the other, but I assume someone somewhere has assigned a color.

Gen Z loves their labels, I'm sure someone has designated it

The common lingo originated from the movie The Matrix, where Neo was given the choice of taking the red pill and waking up in the real world, or taking the blue pill and staying in the fake fantasy that was his life.

4chan adopted the term and started calling themselves "redpilled," claiming that they were removed from the happy fantasy promoted in popular culture (wife, kids, decent job, etc.) and could see life for the harsh, cruel reality it truly was.

The mindset spread to Reddit where a community popped up (r/theRedPill), espousing sexual strategies for men in a society where they felt sex was highly unattainable for their gender. It turned into a very misogynistic subreddit, hating on women who "could get laid anytime" and didn't respect the plight of men who struggled for simple affection from the opposite gender.

Being "redpilled" took on a negative connotation, turning into a darker, conservative term to support men's struggles in life while at the same putting down women. Its original meaning has been corrupted into a warped idealism for men. One could argue it's promoting the opposite of its origin; fighting to create a fantasy world for men to flourish without effort instead of introducing them to the reality that their struggles are all self-inflicted and needed hard work, patience, and determination to overcome.

The term became well enough recognized that "_____-pilled" started introducing other concepts of being introduced to harsh truths in the world. In this case, blackpilled, meaning to give in to despair and depression in an uncaring, cruel world.

Kk what's pink?

Given the people who talk about pills are misogynists, it probably means brainwashed by the "feminazis."

Nope, not even close. It's in fact a pill for women who have decided that their ugliness means they'll never succeed in sex or relationships.

I think that's where trans people give oestrogen to men without their consent. I don't know if it has actually ever happened, though.


I don't know man, look it up.

I did and didn't come up with any of what you just said. What I'd heard is that it's girls who are unattractive and believe that means they'll never find romantic or sexual success. They're probably right unfortunately. I wish everyone could look good.

Looking at these comments, I’ll just file it under “terms to avoid”.

It means someone's being some incel loser.

Why are incels immediately associated with losers? Incel just means involuntary celibate