To the girls here: what action or social behaviour/etiquette you think you can get away doing/not doing that you couldn't if you were a man? to Ask – 87 points –

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Have any introverted traits. It's okay for a man to be quiet or get hyper focused on a task. That can be either taken as he's creepy or the strong/silent type. But if a woman does this then she's labeled as a cold uncaring bitch. Sometimes I just want to get through a task without taking 20 minutes emotionally propping someone else up as expected.

I don't think you read the post correctly

So you are asking the ladies what they can do that a man can't? Fair enough. Other than the few answers you've already gotten about typical "girly" things like wearing makeup, dresses, and watching children l personally can't think of others that would apply to me directly. Truth is I feel bad that everyone can't dress or behave as is comfortable for them. There are guys who want to be able to wear makeup/dresses or be recognized for being real parents. And I would love to be able to be taken seriously when I speak or scratch my crotch in public. I too am interested in the answers here because being a woman doesn't get you too many "benefits" in society that aren't two-faced and dinegrating.

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One time I was in these girls' dorm after a party and one of them was really focusing on her homework and jamming to some nice tunes. It was such a good vibe that I was apparently just kinda staring at her for like 15 minutes and she thought it was creepy. Now lofi girl is a thing, but it's not quite as good as the real thing.

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