Ohio sheriff suggests residents keep a list of homes with Harris yard signs

vegeta@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 925 points –
Ohio sheriff suggests residents keep a list of homes with Harris yard signs

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but they are making lists. turnabout is fair play.

Who exactly is they? You sure everyone in that list has a list in return? Or are you just throwing them all together because you're incapable of seeing shades of grey?

no merit in my value system

Yeah, because your value system aligns more with MAGAts than with us

you don't get to tell me what my value system is. it's mine. i don't have all day to explain how the world works to you.

Yeah, because your value system aligns more with MAGAts than with us

no. my METHODS align more with them. my values are completely different. conservatives are the enemy. me thinks you enjoy virtue signaling more than effectively dismantling the current systems that produce suffering.

no. my METHODS align more with them

"I don't believe the same things they do, I just act in a way that is indistinguishable from them!"

"...Also the way they act is bad."

" It's okay when I do it though..."

effectively dismantling the current systems that produce suffering.

How does your list effectively dismantle those systems? Because it sounds like the purpose of the list is for after you have "won" and will be used to create more suffering.

you've lost sight of the big picture and possibly never had it to begin with.

i am trying to bridge the gap to a world where we use science to better the lives of all living beings in sustainable ways. conservatives are the road block. i have solutions. you don't.

i have solutions.

And what exactly are your solutions? I know step 1 is to maintain a list of everyone people accuse of being conservative, what is step 2? I wouldn't want to speculate and put words in your mouth.