Study: Increasing minimum wage does not reduce jobs to – 916 points –
Study: Increasing minimum wage does not reduce jobs

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I don’t think you know what a hospital looks like when it is over capacity 🤡 but keep on talking like you know stuff.

Yeah I make a point to avoid backwater 3rd world countries like the USA

Where do you live?

You could do your own homework and make an educated guess, but you won't, so I guess I have to spoon feed you an answer of "Canada"

Why would I make assumptions about where you live when I can just ask you?

And for a Canadian, you have a pretty unhealthy obsession with the United States. 🍁🤡

That's pretty rich.

Do your homework slob.

What homework? lol. Maybe you should go to bed. You’ve got school tomorrow.

Looking at a profiles' post history is super basic.

Why would I waste my time with that… when I can just ask you? Lmfao. Go to bed, kid.

I guess you like verbal abuse instead of being competent?

Oh, sweetie, you’re not capable of making me feel abused 💋 maybe when you grow up you’ll learn how to throw a punch.

Do you want me to read you a bed time story?

Yeah no.

Once upon a time in Canada, there was a kid named Bane Edgelord. Unlike most of his classmates, who spent their evenings enjoying hockey or maple syrup (as one does in Canada), Bane had a different hobby: staying up all night arguing with strangers on the internet about the United States, particularly their healthcare system.

He knew nothing about healthcare, mind you, but that didn’t stop him. Bane thought he was an edgy badass, telling anyone who would listen that America's system was broken and that Canadians were far superior. But here’s the catch: no one actually cared what Bane thought.

One night, Bane launched into a tirade in an online forum about how America’s healthcare was a "disaster," how it was "run by greedy capitalists," and how "Canadians did it better." Of course, he had no idea what he was talking about. When someone asked him what a deductible was, he dodged the question, thinking his general disdain was enough to win the argument. Spoiler: it wasn’t.

He stayed up all night typing furiously at the keyboard, convinced that he was shaking the very foundation of the internet. Meanwhile, everyone in the forum had moved on to discuss pizza toppings.

By the time morning rolled around, Bane was exhausted, missed school for the third time that week, and officially failed out of his classes. His teachers gave up, his friends stopped calling, and his future in education was toast.

Now, Bane lives in his mom’s basement, still convinced he's fighting the good fight. He spends his days watching YouTube videos about conspiracy theories and posting angry comments about American healthcare without realizing no one’s reading them. But hey, at least Bane still thinks he’s cool.

And so, Bane Edgelord remained in his basement, a self-proclaimed internet warrior—forever typing, forever ignored.

The end. Goodnight kiddo 💋

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If the hospitals in Washington are routinely over capacity, then thats a Washington problem. People have the freedom here to seek treatment wherever they would like to.

And everyone has to pay, inside or outside the state. Noone gets out of medical debt just by crossing state lines.

Every hospital in the world has a capacity they can support. You must be saying “they need a bigger hospital!” Which I’m sure they are aware of, but building that and staffing that isn’t always feasible with the budget they are given.

And not everyone has to pay. The hospital there is a charity and provides care regardless of the ability for the patient to pay—which cuts into that budget for more staffing and buildings.

During Covid, Idaho pretty much threw their hands up and said “go to Spokane” where people were lining the halls on beds dying because they didn’t have enough respirators for that many people.

So, it’s a common opinion in Spokane that Idaho needs to fuck off and take care of their own.

Charity and providing care to those who present themselves are not the same thing. You might be right though that they don't bill some people, but that would work the same for citizens of both states.

Do I have it right that you blame Idahoans for coming to Washington hospitals which might mean more Washingtonians die?

Does it really matter what state the person is from who dies?

Maybe I'm wrong but he's not blaming the people but Idaho's government.

And who elected those people? They came from space?

I guess they didn't say "elect me and I will do exactly this".

The point is they aren't separate things, its not a dictatorship. And this is why the original poster said they don't blame individuals, but also said they should have covid tested at the border to prevent them from getting help.

I'll take the actions over the words, even if they were just hypothetical actions.

You’re not understanding the reality of how the current system works. You’re arguing from a place of fantasy.

In an ideal world, this wouldn’t even be a problem. Healthcare would be free, and hospitals would be over staffed with low patient ratios and plenty of beds.

Don’t complain to me about reality.

So you are saying your state was perfectly capable of handling its own covid patients? I wasnt aware of any state that wasnt pushed to capacity, but feel free to correct me.

Eastern Washington state borders Idaho. Idaho consistently fought Masking and quarantine. Many people from Idaho would become infected with Covid and rely on a state that did participate in masking and quarantine to help them when their own government refused to provide adequate services and policies. Washington state was already dealing with its own people, and had a hard enough time providing support without a bunch of Idahoans flooding in when they found out the hard way.

While I empathize with the individual, I feel there should have been Covid tests at the border.

You’re starting to sound like a Covid denier who doesn’t understand that while we are “united” under one federal government, each state has vastly different ideas of sanity.

You are starting to sound like someone who says Washingtons citizens lives are worth more than Idahos. You believe this because people in Idaho did not seem to care about their lives as much as people in your state. This is shown in the way Idaho handled mitigating covid.

Is any of that wrong?

I don't disagree with the facts, just who's to blame for it. But if you want to blame a bunch of sick and dead folk from a neighboring state, I can't stop you.

Nah, that’s what you are hearing. But, it’s not really what I’m saying. Something something nuance.

You think Idaho's government fucked over their citizens then?

Yes. And it’s their responsibility. Red states need to learn they can’t rely on blue ones to pick up the slack.

You really think this is a situation where they "should have taken their lumps" despite that meaning such a large amount of death?

Did you expect the Idaho citizens to have enough awareness to not even try to find help outside the state when they couldn't find it within?

Or should the government have locked them in at a certain point? Or your government locked them out? Have we ever restricted crossing state borders like that before as a punitive measure?

What about people who are temporarily working in your state but live elsewhere? Should visa holders get healthcare? Illegal immigrants?

I'm not sure how you make these distinctions following your logic.

Do you actually want me to answer these questions, or are they rhetorical? I have ZERO sympathy for red states, and if a person doesn’t wanna get totally fucked, they should leave immediately.

Regarding my “logic,” I promise, you do not have the capability of altering my position on this topic.

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