Iran's morality police to resume headscarf patrols

Bernie to World – 464 points –
Iran's morality police to resume headscarf patrols

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Does this mean all of the protests from a few months back are done?

They're probably banking on protesters not being able to use Twitter to organize.

If only there was a way to have Twitter like features spread across hundreds if not thousands of independently owned servers that could join together in a sort of union or federation, if you will, as they see fit for their purpose. Oh well, I guess I can dream.

Future generations are laughing it up.

Centralized services like twitter and reddit are going to go the way of Sears.

It's got to be hard to maintain the momentum once the government decides they're fine with murdering the protesters. The Iranian government also let women go without headscarves for this long, I imagine as a way to let the temperature cool. They never intended to repeal the law, only let the protests disperse letting the protesters think they'd won that small concession.

Yep. Nothing of value was accomplished, unfortunately.

I guess reasoning with your abusers wasn't the best course of action.