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BarqsHasBite@lemmy.world to Mildly Infuriating@lemmy.world – 809 points –

Found on Imgur


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What am I looking at here? Something on a roof?

Supposed to be a vent, but there is no hole in the roof. Contractor did not cut hole in the roof, just installed the "vent" so that it looks ok.

Damn, that's a good building expression of the shit I see at work coding software. 😅

Maybe there's a hole but the roofers shingled over it. They noticed, then put the raincap on-top to protect the shingled hole.

The shingles wouldn't have stayed over the hole well enough

Not remembering the topic right away, I consider this good news from a doctor.

That cap is there to protect a hole from getting rained on. Usually vents or something. The thing is there but no hole.