YouTube has found a new way to load ads | AdGuard Blog to – 547 points –
YouTube has found a new way to load ads | AdGuard Blog

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If it makes you feel any better, I intentionally never use products that have intentionally repetitive messaging or earworm tendencies out of spite. Though I know I'm probably in the minority

Do we unintentionally use products we didn’t realize repetitively messaged us?

We’ll never know…

Just kidding, we can be sure it’s incredibly well studied given the billions and billions of dollars going into ads!

Totally no bias in these studies at all either, they totally wouldn't try to skew these studies for personal gain and to try and justify the huge spending on ad money right?

You can fool some of the people some of the time… right? :)

I’d expect nothing less than executives at a number of the Fortune 50 to be ruthlessly cutthroat, including when it comes to vetting the claims of their marketing teams.

(I know I’m speaking about studies I only assume to exist by the way, will have to research it later)

surely large corpos would waste billions on ads if they didn't see any financial return right!

Also, we should be taking a page from the propaganda playbook right now, that should pretty much tell us all we need to know lol.