Trump Says He’ll Bring Back ‘Travel Ban’ and Will Ban Refugees From Gaza to politics – 475 points –
Trump Says He’ll Bring Back ‘Travel Ban’

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Look, fuck Netanyahu and fuck Hamas for starting all of this. It is cold and heartless to a degree yes, but there are political nuances that you clearly don't care about. I'd rather do everything we can within the current political reality than be right like Jimmy Carter and for the Dems to basically lose all political agency for the next decade plus. Right now I am lucky enough to say that and be so caulous. I hope my family and I can still do so after the inauguration in January. I hope we don't have our own concentration camps of immigrants in our backyards.

Hamas didn't exist in the 1800s, they didnt start this. But I am glad you "people" finally admit you have no empathy or think of people outside yourself; I was getting tired of hearing the lie that liberals are more caring than other conservatives

No one called themselves Palestinians back in the 1800s in the Ottoman Empire either. But yeah man, you got me dead to rights. Great Job.

They did, Palestinians have called themselves that since Roman occupation. Palestine, phalistine before it, has been a recognized name region for longer than Christianity has existed, much less the word ottoman or around 80% of modern hebrew words. Israeli education really is some of the worst in the world, right under american education.

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It is cold and heartless to a degree yes, but there are political nuances that you clearly don’t care about.

So you're saying that because trump exists...

We can't criticize Biden for breaking multiple US and international laws to support a genocide and removing aid from it's victims?

You do you I guess....

But I dont have time for people who think genocide is acceptable under any circumstances

The first and foremost rule of first aid is to ensure your own safety first. Same rule applies here. Hope your righteousness doesn't bite you in the ass, I truly do.

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